Friday, March 20, 2020

Kah and the GURPS Monk Template

The GURPS Monk Template
120-150 Points
Primary AttributesDX+1 [20]
Secondary AttributesFP+2 [6]
Ambidexterity [5]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Enhanced Dodge [15]
Innate Attack: Crushing 4 [20]; Melee C,1 [-20%]; Stunning Affliction [+60%]; Limited Use 10 times a day [-10%], Costs (1) Fatigue [-5%]) [13]
Trained by a Master [30]
Pick One Primary Style for 12
Boxing DX+3, Brawling DX+4, Judo DX+2, Karate DX+2, Sumo Wrestling DX+3, or Wrestling DX+3.
Pick One Weapon Style for 8
Tonfa DX+2,  Staff DX+2, Flail +1 (for nunchaku)
Acute Sense (Pick One) 1 [2], Hiking HT [1], Observation Per+2 [8], Search Per +1 [4], Swimming HT +1 [2], Climbing DX-2 [1],
Choose One or More Disciplines of Faith Asceticism [-15], Monasticism [-10], Mysticism [-10], Ritualism [-5]
Kah is the energy given off by life. Unlike magic which uses an outside overlapping force whose energy is pulled into the world, Kah comes from within. The use of Kah can be found in every culture and Kind in Tys. It can serve as an important alternative to magic or even synergize with magic. The limitation of Kah is the massive amount of concentration to keep using it for extended periods of time. Many Kah users have been trained by masters dedicated to the art who have different strictures, rules, and methodologies in using Kah consistently. To keep focus and keep the power, sometimes an ascetic life is needed, or strict ritualism, or the focus of pain, or an overwhelming will to keep it. There is no superior form and each has its advantages and disadvantages.
Kah is not only used by monks, however. Its power can be imbued in objects to make them supernaturally more than what they already were. The Alarian Order uses Kah, even though they mistake it as a blessing from Alar, to imbue their armor with bulletproof toughness and imbue certain artifacts with supernatural properties such as chalices that ward flames or gauntlets that can break stone fortifications. The Wakunansi imbue Kah into icons and tools to make those objects have supernatural qualities like causing rain, building spontaneous tunnels, or protection in combat.
The nations of the world often value expert Kah users and even a few have institutions such as the Ess'Wunn Order of monks in Wakunan whose monks serve the State and the people. The old regime of Skalovia used monks of the Cult of Gor to act as assassins and proselytizers. Many agencies related to spycraft and magic value Kah users as their abilities allow them to excel in certain ways the mundane and the magically studied or gifted cannot. Kah is often used as an antimagical force because its practitioners can inwardly prevent magic users from accessing the energy by filling the focus points one uses magic with such as the mind, an instrument, the blood, or a tool with Kah that counteracts the magic's focus.
Kah is the opposite of Shi, which is the force that gives rise to necromantic energies. Interestingly, it is not antagonistic toward Wo-ehl, which is a form of energy given by the Woehltriv or devils and Woehltan or demons. Its antimagical properties also make Kah users very valuable in fighting monsters as their magical nature and the protections they receive from it.

Kah as an Institution Across the World
The prevalence takes multiple forms in different societies. Due to the difficulty of using it to the point of pragmatism, its users are technically a class of elites that have something the majority do not, and that majority includes the ruling classes. Often, how popular kah is in a region and the behaviors that region's populace has to it often depends on whether a king, queen, council, parliament, or otherwise favors it or not. Along with this, its form in society also depends on how they wish to treat it. It may have a laissez-faire attitude applied to it and it may be somewhat formalized in clubs and schools including martial arts establishments and special kah pugilist clubs. It may be standardized and be ordered into organizations that serve rulers directly. It may be banned entirely, especially in those lands where magic-users have a vested interest in removing a power that hurts their ability. In these places, it may be an underground practice kept alive by the spirit of tradition along with a possible revolutionary sentiment. 

Regardless, one common feature kah has across the lands is that true masters that can teach one how to use it number in the few. Those dedicated to its practice will travel hundreds of miles and leagues to find these masters and be taught. This is where those places with institutionalized kah use such as Wakunan have an advantage over others by its increased availability and mutual protection from the state. The masters of Ess'Wunn kah use are also heavily aligned with the Wakunansi equitianist government and are invested in the peace of the land. Those holding harmonist views may be allowed within but those of nations or groups that hold enmity against the ideology may be turned away. Tierians are turned away entirely. Hence why kah-use pugilist clubs in Thrale and the masters that run them are seen as very valuable and are funded by the harmonist materielists of Thrale and elsewhere.

One could attempt to learn how to use Kah on one's own. It would be much, much more difficult. It is doable. 
Self Teaching In mechanical terms, a self-taught kah user would have to spend 60 character points to be self-taught. However, in making one's own style by necessity, techniques are lowered by two difficulties to learn which can pay for itself. Along with this, those talents and skills related to kah (chi/ki in GURPS terms and specifically those covered under Forceful Chi and Inner Balance in GURPS Martial Arts) are also lowered by two difficulties (to a minimum of easy). 

Kah Powers using GURPS
Kah Powers are techniques, spells, powers, and advantages one may take in ROF. They may be taken only after obtaining the Trained by a Master advantage. They cannot be used by vampires, ghouls, wights, ghosts, or any creature that does not breathe and/or uses shi. A character must spend the full character points for each.
Requirements Trained by a Master and at least one Discipline of Faith
Advantages one can take with TbaM that are Kah powers
Altered Time Rate (Only once every other advantage and technique is taken)
*Kah Empowered Limbs* - Reflavored Claws (Representing kah strengthening the hand rather than turning one's hand into a claw.)
Damage Resistance (Pick one)
Enhanced Time Sense
Innate Attacks (Choose from the Martial Arts book or make one's own. In MA there is: Breath of a Dragon, Flying Fists, Ghost Knife, Hand of Death, Mega Kiai, Soul Blast)
Resistance to Kah attacks (Ki/Chi by GURPS terms)
Talent: Forceful Chi, Inner Balance
The cinematic abilities that need Trained by a Master as a prerequisite. One cannot take them without it.
All cinematic and non-cinematic techniques are available as possible choices to take.
Kah users can also buy and use the Awaken, Grace, Lend Energy, Lend Vitality, Might, Recover Energy, Truthsayer, Vigor, Wisdom spells as reflavored powers from GURPS Magic. No prerequisites required.

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