Around -20,000 ON
Kinds come out of primitivism or hiding with the flight of the Velassian empire. Most live in tribal societies that are either despotic or are based upon councils.
-5915 ON
Feudalism gains foothold in the Human kingdoms of Central Tys. This occurs due to the major conflicts and changes during the time: the first being Cold Death and the rise of the Pentaphany along with the fall of the Mekkhorsi empire which decentralized Mekkhor from its original systems laid down by the emperor and his archons. This set down major functional changes but the solidification to feudalism does not occur until the First Attack of the Worms. The Worms, giant strange beings with mind and biology altering powers that can make slaves of Kinds and modify their bodies, attacked the Lusmian gate, an underground gate the dwarves of Lusmia kept secure without knowing why it was there until now. The first attack pushes back the Lusmians to the edges of their borders in months. The Lusmians call for help across the world. They draw a force of arms from all over Velas. However, this force of arms came at a cost. The generals leading these armies would swear loyalty to the local kings that called them up in exchange for gaining titles and lands. They would levy warriors including what would become the iconic knight to fight in the kings' wars and at that time face this existential threat. Everything else that comes with Feudalism grew from these events.
Feudalism gains foothold in the Human kingdoms of Central Tys. This occurs due to the major conflicts and changes during the time: the first being Cold Death and the rise of the Pentaphany along with the fall of the Mekkhorsi empire which decentralized Mekkhor from its original systems laid down by the emperor and his archons. This set down major functional changes but the solidification to feudalism does not occur until the First Attack of the Worms. The Worms, giant strange beings with mind and biology altering powers that can make slaves of Kinds and modify their bodies, attacked the Lusmian gate, an underground gate the dwarves of Lusmia kept secure without knowing why it was there until now. The first attack pushes back the Lusmians to the edges of their borders in months. The Lusmians call for help across the world. They draw a force of arms from all over Velas. However, this force of arms came at a cost. The generals leading these armies would swear loyalty to the local kings that called them up in exchange for gaining titles and lands. They would levy warriors including what would become the iconic knight to fight in the kings' wars and at that time face this existential threat. Everything else that comes with Feudalism grew from these events.
-1983 ON
Materielism's first forms begin to sprout up from across the world with the rising mercantile class and increased trade between nations. It is an economic system that in its later consolidated forms that will be written works from authors such as the Ashriqi Rashad Ibn Sahar's The Keys of Prosperity will uphold these ideas as paramount: private ownership of the means, the spurring of competition, the gaining of wealth, innovation, industry, and profit as a means of incentive for business building, labor, and innovation.
-1624 ON
Orcini enacts the Decree Immutable, a set of laws that the king of Vilopoli is beholden to after the once preventable Crowned Famine occurs, which sets precedent for Constitutional Monarchies.
-1378 ON
-1624 ON
Orcini enacts the Decree Immutable, a set of laws that the king of Vilopoli is beholden to after the once preventable Crowned Famine occurs, which sets precedent for Constitutional Monarchies.
-1378 ON
The Great Unburdening
A Xatlan and Velassian intellectual and philosophical movement concerning the nature of the gods, the criticism of justification of power for secular rulers both theocratic and aristocratic, and the kindist worth of individuals came about which revolutionized art, philosophy, and politics. Furthermore came the popularization of reason and rationalism through the movement. Over centuries its values would take an everpresent hold in the nations of Central Tys and the influence it had would increase. One effect was the increased separation of theocratic rule of secular lands with the dissolution of many a bishopric and the removal of temple-owned lands in secular nations. While the power of the gods were easily proven and their existence unquestioned (thus no deistic or atheistic traditions took place), their support for theocratic and aristocratic authority and rule were questioned. The tensions between secular and theocratic rule came to a head in -1332 ON when the high prelate of Alar, Iraticus IV, was assassinated by the Alarian paladin radical Romule Darat who was heard as saying, "Didst Alar remove mine fingers that hath war'd upon a false supplicant? Nay!" This would inspire a rash of similar movements against the high clergy of the Velassian pantheon. A counter-reformation would occur due to this monumental event, and the seeds for deep-seated grudges across centuries would be sown.
-1158 ON
-1158 ON
The idea of political system of a representative government based on personal freedoms, private property, free will, rationality, individuality, sovereignty, and autonomy. These ideas are fed by the Great Unburdening of the -1300s and the philosophers, writers, thinkers, and artists that were prominent during that time. This will be known as Harmonism. It will not become gradually popularized until the -300s with the fall of the Zekkhorian Empire. By 0 PR only a tenth of the nations located in Central Tys follow it or at least have a merging of it and older forms of rule such as the Parliamentary system that accompanied the Constitutional Monarchy of Thrale.
-821 ON
Absolutist control of kingdoms and the abolishment of decentralized feudal power occurs across the world. Harmonism as an ideology is suppressed and power belongs to the head of state.
Absolutist control of kingdoms and the abolishment of decentralized feudal power occurs across the world. Harmonism as an ideology is suppressed and power belongs to the head of state.
Abolitionism starts as a movement to free slaves from the Zhekkorian empire.
-280 ON
A treatise containing criticisms of Harmonism, Absolutism, and Materielism is written by the Cymrien elf prince Sylvaras Zelien known as the Equitianist Declaration. He proposes a new form of government based upon public ownership of the means of production by workers and the abolishment of the class system, The means use would be organized by workers' councils to ensure their use for the public good. Equitianism promised a risen baseline of quality of life for all. Along with this, all kind-based supremacism was to be cast aside and the proper end of slavery achieved. The leech classes of slavers, materielists, nobility, and landlords would be abolished. The citizens of such a government would strengthen each other by their ability, give to each other by their need, and uphold the collective good. This would be known as Equitianism. This movement would become suppressed and mocked by Harmonists and traditionalists alike as utopian and unfeasible with the inability of peasants and working classes to remove themselves from common selfish concern along with their inability to rule themselves. Along with this, it would promote social mobility for the undeserving and lead to an anarchic welfare state where society would collapse without duty, profit, or competition to spur them on. However, the ideas gained root in very small groups across the nations. Some would remark that the Millers, a group of Thralish agrarians that expounded the use of the world's bounty for the common good and called for a ceasing of land ownership and a reestablishment of common lands of use had already been active.
-98 ON
The Thralish Civil War brings an end to the revitalized Absolutist rule of Thrale and a new form of representative democracy created to combine old traditionalist systems with full Harmonistic elements. This creates a trend that accelerates Harmonism into becoming the new major nation system of the world over the centuries
The Thralish Civil War brings an end to the revitalized Absolutist rule of Thrale and a new form of representative democracy created to combine old traditionalist systems with full Harmonistic elements. This creates a trend that accelerates Harmonism into becoming the new major nation system of the world over the centuries
0 PR
The formation of two Equitianist nations occurs: The Uhlionist Equilibratist State of the Uhlionic Republic, and the Wakunan Zikaezian Equitianist Union of the Wakunan Unity State.
46 PR
With the end of the Great Unchaining, a massive slave rebellion in Thrale, comes the end of slavery.
48 PR
Following the disastrous Gromdalian War waged by the Uhlionic Republic and the Gromdalian Merchant Republic, Equitianists denounce Equilibratism as a failed experiment and bar all Equilibratists from future alliances and actions. This effort against Equilibratism and Uhlionism will be led by Regur Jharnsir, a prominent member of the Equitianist community and dwarven philosopher of Gromdal. However, disregarding the announcement, a great suppression of Equitianist gatherings, rhetoric, literature, and action occurs across the nations of Central Tys. The occupation of Klastte, the disastrous Gromdal War, and the machinations of the Uhlionic premier, Ural Kaitov, are used as justifications to remove equitianists as a legitimate group from the face off the world. The efforts that equitianists made against the institution of slavery are set back by decades by the slave owning gentry's great propagandistic campaigns to make a boogeyman out of the ideology and tie it to the effort of abolition. In short, much like how the enslaved thralls of the Scale Princes would overreach and cause harm to good godsfearing men, so would the enslaved races of bestials that harbour hate against their betters. By proxy, harmonist efforts toward abolition were set back as well and harmonist movements suppressed along with equitianists. The suppression of equitianism would continue with the pariah status that was placed upon the Uhlionic Republic and its relative self-isolation from the global stage until the 300s with the Great War of the Grush Archipelago where its ideas would be revived and percolate. Equilibratism would similarly be redeemed after centuries and Equitianist schools of thought would spread across the world. This would create new tensions between materielist harmonist nations versus equitianist nations and equitianist groups within those materielist nations.
48 PR
Following the disastrous Gromdalian War waged by the Uhlionic Republic and the Gromdalian Merchant Republic, Equitianists denounce Equilibratism as a failed experiment and bar all Equilibratists from future alliances and actions. This effort against Equilibratism and Uhlionism will be led by Regur Jharnsir, a prominent member of the Equitianist community and dwarven philosopher of Gromdal. However, disregarding the announcement, a great suppression of Equitianist gatherings, rhetoric, literature, and action occurs across the nations of Central Tys. The occupation of Klastte, the disastrous Gromdal War, and the machinations of the Uhlionic premier, Ural Kaitov, are used as justifications to remove equitianists as a legitimate group from the face off the world. The efforts that equitianists made against the institution of slavery are set back by decades by the slave owning gentry's great propagandistic campaigns to make a boogeyman out of the ideology and tie it to the effort of abolition. In short, much like how the enslaved thralls of the Scale Princes would overreach and cause harm to good godsfearing men, so would the enslaved races of bestials that harbour hate against their betters. By proxy, harmonist efforts toward abolition were set back as well and harmonist movements suppressed along with equitianists. The suppression of equitianism would continue with the pariah status that was placed upon the Uhlionic Republic and its relative self-isolation from the global stage until the 300s with the Great War of the Grush Archipelago where its ideas would be revived and percolate. Equilibratism would similarly be redeemed after centuries and Equitianist schools of thought would spread across the world. This would create new tensions between materielist harmonist nations versus equitianist nations and equitianist groups within those materielist nations.
Multiple groups are formed throughout the world as a response to the rising threat of Equitianism to their values and the weaknesses of Harmonism in its inability protecting the supreme kinds of the world along with having inefficient systems of government and a partiality for Materielist concerns over the virtuous. This autocratic ideology will be known as Tierianism.
337 PR
Equtianism and Equilibratism are revived as ideologies and gain in popularity spurring on conflicts across Velas, Xatla, and Aizarin. Tierianism also sees a gradual rise in popularity.
Equtianism and Equilibratism are revived as ideologies and gain in popularity spurring on conflicts across Velas, Xatla, and Aizarin. Tierianism also sees a gradual rise in popularity.
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