Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Geography in ROF

Central East

Central West

Roughly the map with equator
This is a fantasy world that tends to have phenomena and elements that are much like the real world. This is not one of those semi-realistic things. I don't know how to make this work without spending a bunch of hours reading the entire map.
Roughly, the Dominion and northern Shonan are tropical environments, the Kesstian Diarchy is similar to Mesopotamia, the southern half of Xatlaxa is like South America with rainforests. North Xatlaxa is a mixture of plains, temperate forests, and fields. The most northern part containing Neyungat is a taiga. Wakunan is mostly a Savannah. The southern half of the western peninsula of western Tys (the western continent) containing Tazerout, Khaldun, Miguno, among others change from plateaus to grasslands, deserts, and mountainous regions. The northern half is temperate and changes from hill lands, to plains to temperate forests. Alaria is a temperate region similar to France in real life. Thrale is similar to Britannia in its geography with a temperate climate with a lot of rainfalls.

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