Sunday, March 8, 2020

Glossary of Terms

Right now this list is simplified and meta, it will be updated later.

Kind Metawise: Stand-in for Race meant to represent the separate species with a totally differentiated word.
Tys The name of the world the Riddle of Flame takes place in.
The Global Center An area comprising 1/7th of the planetary surface named as such because they are the home of the first sapient kinds. The Global Center contains the continents Velas, Xatlaxa, Shonan along with the Urkain Archipelago and the Liresku Archipelago among other land features
Velas The name of a continent found in a relative central-western area on the planet.
Xatla The name of a continent found in a relative central-eastern area on the planet.
Aizarin The name of a continent found in a relatively father central-western area on the planet.
Gothica The name of a colony on an unnamed continent found to the far east.
Shudder The name of a continent found in the far south.

Religious Terms
The New Velassian Pantheon (Most Kinds worship these)
Established -8,346 ON
Alar God of Justice
Liestra Goddess of Life and Spring
Sothe God of Death
Prythe God of Laws
Astres God of the Stars and Flame
The Old Velassian Pantheon
The forgotten old Elvish Gods.
Wakunansi Religious Figure
Kunan Patron saint and messiah-like figure for gnolls. Can be mixed with any other religion.
The Twin Gods
Vhaegoth One of the twin gods. Represents craftsmanship, loyalty, perseverance, and peace.
Dhaegoth One of the twin gods. Represents self-sacrifice, duty, order, and valor.
  • Note While the vast majority of the worshippers of these gods are Urkain and are commonly seen as Urkain gods they are older than the Urkain archipelago and seemed to have been passed down to the Urkain. There is a conspiracy that they may be different facets of Alar. This conspiracy is treated as truth and the Alarian Kingdom and Order allow Urkain into the nation and knighthood on the condition they refer to them as Alar or the Twin Forms.

Time Terms
Epoch of Flame Beginning at -27 ON. The time that the gold dragon Uhlion and his followers introduced multiple new technologies that would affect the world greatly.
The Great Unburdening Metawise: An equivalent to The Enlightenment of history. Occured over -1378 to -1332 ON in the nations of Central Tys outside of the Mekkhorsi Empire. A time of multiple scientific and philosophical advances found outside of the stagnant Mekkhorsi empire that gave rise to multiple ideals and is where the main philosophical basis of Harmonism comes from and while also serving as an inspiration for Equitianism. Also supported scientific racism and Imperialism so not all good. It was a time caused by following developments from the relatively rapidly developing Kesst, Klastte, Shonan, and the Xatlaxan kingdoms. "The Unburdening" refers to multiple elements. This time saw the reduced strength of religion following multiple reformations to lower secular control of nations. It began the beginning of anti-monarchist and Imperial sentiments that rejected the presumed divine right to rule of kings granted by the Five. Kindism developed during this time. As did Kind Purism and Burdenism almost as a counterreaction using science and logic to determine the prime races from the lower ones.

The Lotharian Calendar This is the calendar used by the URES and the dominant calendar used in time designations in the URES and Equitianist states but not elsewhere thus being used by a minority of peoples on Tys. It is used for the lore mainly to serve as a contextual signifier of the epoch of the Riddle of Flame to hammer in how many years it takes between technological advances and world events.

The records of the world's history is based around the Lotharian Calendar. Mainly for convenience. Most nations do not use it as they would be giving the Uhlionic Republic legitimacy in their eyes.
  • ON Old Night, the time before the establishment of the Uhlion Republican Equitanist State.
  • ND New Dawn, the time after the establishment of the Uhlion Republican Equitanist State.
The Cymrien Calendar The calendar that most of the world uses created by an Elven prince of the kingdom of Cymrie at the beginning of the establishment of the Mekkhorsi Empire which stretched down the regions of Lekkas, Orcini, Catarein, Ravois, Ashriq, and Malkhabir. It was built in honor of the new emperor and possibly in order to ensure the future existence of the small elven realm. The beginning year is the year that the ancient Elven Dominate was formed. As of 612 New Dawn, the calendar is up to 10,884. It uses 7 day weeks, 30 day months, 12 month years.
The Gromdalian Calendar The calendar used by the Velassian dwarven kingdoms and merchant republics. It was established when the Gromdalians resettled their old mountain homes once the Velassian Empire, an ancient powerful army that spread across Velas, Aizarin, and Xatla; disappeared. As of 0 New Dawn, it is now 19,743.
The Old Wakunansi Calendar The calendar used by the Wakunansi gnolls until the formation of the Wakunan Unity State when the nation switched to the Lotharian calendar. It was a lunar calendar.

Political, Philosophical, and Economic Terms
Equitianism Metawise: Fantasy Socialism. A mixture of political, philosophical, and economic theory generally arguing for the establishment of classless, egalitarian, welfare states with either state-run or heavily state-regulated economies in the pursuit of a worldwide revolution gained by peaceful or violent means for the liberation of the lower classes and oppressed kinds of the world. Philosophically, the goal of Equitanism is to provide equity to all Kinds through empowerment to establish an equal baseline of social and economic status through more gifted Kinds using their gifts to help raise those kinds that would be seen as lower in society. For example, Uhlion arming the enslaved kobolds of Skalovia to fight their former masters was a form of Equitianist action. Class solidarity with the world is emphasized and Equitianists are to use direct action to improve the quality of life of all. Generally collectivist with emphasis on active solidarity.

Technically, the route word "equity" is contradictory in Equitianism. There are partialities given to Kinds in the form of protections or helping hands. However, the ideal is impartiality in baseline quality of life, social standing, and economic standing. For example, in Equitianism weaker kobold Kind is to be helped by dragons to achieve those ideals. Uhlion did this through arming the less powerful Kinds than him with firearms to overcome their weaknesses. However, the kobold has no standing above the dragon and is not to be given preferential treatment. Similarly, the contradiction could apply the witch covens of the hagswoods that are citizens of the URES but are allowed their subculture and their magical lifestyle without registering with the Institute. However, they are also mandated by the state to use this privilege as a way of uplifting the collective whole with their mandatory Hag Corps service. Common magicians have to register with the institute which means they are technically discriminated against for a skill or an inborn ability they can't control having. The point of this in the State's view is to keep their privilege from becoming detrimental to their fellow citizens and to the stability of the Republic. This maintains the baseline ideals in contrast to allowing magic users to potentially harm others or try to set themselves apart as a higher class. Which happened in the Magocracy that magician Dasili Geria, once born Daelas Pearl and leader of the Institute, was born in and disgusted by.

This partiality in Equitianism is separate from Kind Burdenism where some Kinds believe they have to help, in their view, younger, more primitive kinds to thrive until they learn how to do it themselves or in a permanent state. Equitianists believe every Kind has a baseline of intelligence equal to other kinds that is separate from long learned wisdom of Kinds like dragons, duerthi, or aelthi and it is a matter of societal conditioning, learning, and economic status how they develop and grow. Harmonists have a similar view in Kindist-Harmonist thought but many Harmonists reject state restrictions or "forced" handouts to try to maintain equality.
  • Equilibratism Vanguard-Theory Equitianism
  • Uhlionism Authoritarian Equilibratism
  • Uhlionist Puritanism Totalitarian Equilibratism
  • Zelienism Equitianist ideology with a focus on the state
  • Zikaeziism/Jharnism Democratic Equitianism
  • Anarcho-Equilibratism or Ghrondian Sovereign-Equilibratism
    • Metawise, the difference between humanist philosophies intertwining into real-life socialism and Equitianism in Riddle of Flame is the recognition that while those inside of a single Kind are all equal, the Kinds do have unequal strengths and weaknesses between each other but those differences can be overcome by collective solidarity and state-organized assistance to cover each others' strengths and weaknesses without creating a class or caste system. Hence the root of equity within the word.

Sovereignism Metawise: Fantasy Anarchism

Harmonism Metawise: Fantasy Liberal Democracy. Political and economic theory arguing for the establishment of electoral republics with heads of state and a council of representatives to the people of a nation. Where the economy can range from free-market materielism to Maradian materielism with a mild amount of government interference. This form of government was based on Kindist ideals mixed with philosophy from the Great Unburdening along with reaching back to old Marian Republic ideals and systems of government. Note that not every nations follows the Kindism element until around the second century PR. Harmonist nations can have Equitianist elements such as social welfare nets. Generally individualistic with emphasis on personal liberty.

  • Equitian-Harmonism Metawise: Fantasy Social Democracy
  • Flagrantly stolen from the Equestria at War mod for HoI4 whose wiki also gave me ideas on theming. Though rather than the elements of harmony the main thrust of the political system is having multiple disparate parts work in harmony from the working class to the business owners to the government.

Materielism Metawise: Fantasy Capitalism
  • Anarcho-Materielism Metawise: Fantasy Ancaps/Objectivists/Right-wing libertarians
  • Maradian Materielism Metawise: Keynesian Economics based capitalism. Based on writings of Samduk Marad of Khaldoun.

Tierism Metawise: Fantasy Fascism. Generally collectivist with emphasis on national service, ethnonationalism, jingoism, and martial essentialism.

  • Tierian Equitianism Metawise: Fantasy Strasserite Communist Fascism.
Kindism Metawise: Fantasy Humanism but for all Kinds. I do realize this word will be misconstrued as the equivalent to racism.
Kind Purism Metawise: Fantasy Racism.
Kind Burdenism Metawise: Fantasy White Man's Burdenism but for humans on "lesser kinds" and such.

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