The Energy associated with the deities is Will.
Liestra (Goddess of Life)
Colors: Green and Blue
Holy Places: Grove Shrines, Supplicant Farms
Happily married to Sothe. Supplanter of Lathra the tyrantess of the living. Liestra is the goddess of spring, fertility, farming, and children. Along with this, she has a domain that includes all living kinds. She does not personally precede over every waking kinds' life.
Sothe (God of Death)
Colors: Black and White
Sothe (God of Death)
Colors: Black and White
Holy Places: Graveyards, Mausoleums
Anima: Gargoyles and Reapers
Happily married to Liestra. Destroyer of the original god of death, Xyz the Primordial. Sothe is the god of funerals, graves, mourning, and the natural rest of living kinds. He is an opponent of necromancy but there are exceptions that apparently by his will his agents on earth have made including the Lusmians and their ancestor court of spirits along with toleration of the Court of the Night and the Viscount as a necessary evil as the Samdirian nation acts as a sort of house arrest for the necromantic monsters. He detests unnatural death and that includes unlawful murder (the "unlawful" is debated), warmongering, and anything that would cause death before its natural time that was not meant as a kindness or a mercy. He helps the dead to reach their proper place in the afterlife and is one of the few guards against devils claiming the souls of their victims, but not their worshippers. However, even his rescues are not perfect and while he has a 100% accuracy of gaining the animus, the thinking sapient portion of the soul, the essence can still be lost and used by the woelhtriv to increase their power. He does accept ex-woelhtriv worshippers into his arms but, as divined by his prelates over the centuries, they must repent and serve penance for their actions by following the ways laid out by Prythe.
Alar (God of Conflict)
Colors: Red and White
Alar (God of Conflict)
Colors: Red and White
Holy Places: Coliseums, Tournament Grounds
The God of Conflict born from the union of Liestra and Sothe. Alar is multifaceted much like the Twins. He has multiple sects determining whether he is a god of war, a god battle, a god of struggle, or all the above or only a few. His virtues are bravery, honor, loyalty, sacrifice, . Strategists, warriors, mercenaries, and nobles often seek his grace during battle. There are multiple organizations dedicated to him. One includes the Alarian Temple, his main organized religion. One is the Alarian Order and its multiple chapters that are independent groupings with their own beliefs, ideologies, and methods. Another is the Firmament, a crusader state formed out of the Companions of Saint Bromae, a chapter of the Alarian Order. Alar and Liestra often compete for the position of deity with the largest influence on the world while Sothe watches their competition with a knowing smile.
The Conflict of Two Sects in 0 PR
The Aggregationists and the Reconciliationists
These were the dominant sects of the Alarian Temple in the last stretches of Epoch 0 from -186 to -1 ON and in the beginning of Epoch 1 in 0 PR until 22 PR. They were constantly at odds The core disagreement between the sects is what is Alar's true domain: The Aggregationists argues that war is a just and virtuous endeavour that ensures strength of will, body, and soul and that evils in the world can be quelled and truly controlled with the complete militarization of culture, society, and the state. In this way, a society prepared for war secures peace. They point toward the toleration of the Scale Princes of Skalovia as something the nations and the Alarian temple were not willing to combat, along with a closer example in the Blood Struggle of the Wakamotojin in -7 PR to -18 PR which involved genocidal struggles between different bestial kinds under the decree of the emperor during the Harrowing, a great famine in isolated Wakamoto that could have been avoided by the emperor preparing for the famine. The nobility of his court could not act against him and with the role of Alarians gathering the military leaders of the nation against the emperor and forcing him to provide for the common folk and thus disallowing any impetus to enact the Blood Struggle. Reconciliationists wish to follow the philosophy of the Great Unburdening and remove Alarian influence from secular courts. They point toward the falsely justified creation of the Holy Firmament crusader state founded in eastern Aizarin as the end result of the Aggregationist's ideology. That state was formed over very dubious claims of true heresy from the Wadahli union. The Reconciliationists also argue that it took equitianists (who are not looked well upon and confined to Wakunan and the Uhlionic State for much of Epoch 1 (0 PR-273 PR) to overthrow the Scale Princes due to the greed and complacency of not only secular kingdoms but also the temples. It took a madman in the form of the Scarlet Prophet and the Host of Bloody Tears to act against them and they attempted a bloody genocidal war against all dragonkin in Skalovia. That is the sort of thing that Aggregationists would repeat if they got their way. Wakamoto also exhibited that sort of genocidal behavior endemic to Aggregationist world view and the closest thing that possibly would have worked is if they had unified the military leaders of Wakamoto against the emperor and overthrown them. Which would have taken them more manpower and further decreased the grain. When, if the isolationist nation would have let the outside world know, there may have been the possibility of sending out Liestrite and Sothian clerics to talk to the emperor and bless their crops when their onmyodo could not. The acquisition of power in this case would have been deleterious to the people and possibly caused future problems with the ability of military leaders to just essentially perform a coup when other ways would be possible to save the now dead kinds. Reconciliationists are secularist and seek non-satist methods to enact their god's will which they believe includes engaging in conflict resolution, encouraging and enforcing laws of war, and support for nations against abominable forces such as the undead and the woehltriv among others. Aggregationists believe in the gathering of power in the name of Alar to form efficient and orderly martial states. Aggregationists will be one of the precursor groups to Tierianists.
Astres (God of Stars)
Colors: Gold and Grey
The Conflict of Two Sects in 0 PR
The Aggregationists and the Reconciliationists
These were the dominant sects of the Alarian Temple in the last stretches of Epoch 0 from -186 to -1 ON and in the beginning of Epoch 1 in 0 PR until 22 PR. They were constantly at odds The core disagreement between the sects is what is Alar's true domain: The Aggregationists argues that war is a just and virtuous endeavour that ensures strength of will, body, and soul and that evils in the world can be quelled and truly controlled with the complete militarization of culture, society, and the state. In this way, a society prepared for war secures peace. They point toward the toleration of the Scale Princes of Skalovia as something the nations and the Alarian temple were not willing to combat, along with a closer example in the Blood Struggle of the Wakamotojin in -7 PR to -18 PR which involved genocidal struggles between different bestial kinds under the decree of the emperor during the Harrowing, a great famine in isolated Wakamoto that could have been avoided by the emperor preparing for the famine. The nobility of his court could not act against him and with the role of Alarians gathering the military leaders of the nation against the emperor and forcing him to provide for the common folk and thus disallowing any impetus to enact the Blood Struggle. Reconciliationists wish to follow the philosophy of the Great Unburdening and remove Alarian influence from secular courts. They point toward the falsely justified creation of the Holy Firmament crusader state founded in eastern Aizarin as the end result of the Aggregationist's ideology. That state was formed over very dubious claims of true heresy from the Wadahli union. The Reconciliationists also argue that it took equitianists (who are not looked well upon and confined to Wakunan and the Uhlionic State for much of Epoch 1 (0 PR-273 PR) to overthrow the Scale Princes due to the greed and complacency of not only secular kingdoms but also the temples. It took a madman in the form of the Scarlet Prophet and the Host of Bloody Tears to act against them and they attempted a bloody genocidal war against all dragonkin in Skalovia. That is the sort of thing that Aggregationists would repeat if they got their way. Wakamoto also exhibited that sort of genocidal behavior endemic to Aggregationist world view and the closest thing that possibly would have worked is if they had unified the military leaders of Wakamoto against the emperor and overthrown them. Which would have taken them more manpower and further decreased the grain. When, if the isolationist nation would have let the outside world know, there may have been the possibility of sending out Liestrite and Sothian clerics to talk to the emperor and bless their crops when their onmyodo could not. The acquisition of power in this case would have been deleterious to the people and possibly caused future problems with the ability of military leaders to just essentially perform a coup when other ways would be possible to save the now dead kinds. Reconciliationists are secularist and seek non-satist methods to enact their god's will which they believe includes engaging in conflict resolution, encouraging and enforcing laws of war, and support for nations against abominable forces such as the undead and the woehltriv among others. Aggregationists believe in the gathering of power in the name of Alar to form efficient and orderly martial states. Aggregationists will be one of the precursor groups to Tierianists.
Astres (God of Stars)
Colors: Gold and Grey
Holy Places: Workshops, Factories, Academies
God of knowledge, travelers, stars, smithing, flame, combustion, craftsmen, and later industry, gunpowder, mechanisms, and magitek. She is an extremely minor god until around the first few decades of 0 PR where her influence will explode but keep her in the 4th place of importance behind Liestra, Alar, and Sothe. She was the subject of the Great Uhlionic Blasphemy that allowed the birth of Genastres and allowed the combined knowledge of proto-gunpowder weaponry and proto-industry to collate in one person. This allowed Uhlion's followers to experiment over the course of many decades to advance gunpowder weaponry from an extremely niche field to the forefront of warfare. Along with this, Genastres held the knowledge of mechanisms allowing for industrialized manufacturing and societies that could be taken advantage of using magitek but not the base knowledge needed to mundanely use it without great experimentation and working. Industry and Gunpowder advanced her influence across the world except in Skalovia whose inhabitants benefitted the most from their domains.
Prythe (God of Law)
Colors: Copper and Gold
Prythe (God of Law)
Colors: Copper and Gold
Holy Places: Courthouses
Anima: Confessors
The god of justice, courts, the written law, prisons, enforcers, and prisoners. His agents often work with Alarian ones when dealing with warcrimes. His paladins are known as arbiters and they work closely with state enforcers to pursue criminals. Prythe's law concerns itself more with a law than most states' where there is a sort of universalism they pursue. Murders, thefts, and assaults are to be tried by his agents when able to determine the severity of a crime and the judgment carried forward. Multiple sects exist of Prythe, one which gained massive prominence being the cult of the Dominion, an extremely legalistic sect that called for a worldwide totalitarian police state to ensure order and decency. They rose to prominence with the (first) Liresku Revolution against the old Dai Empire. Their use of angyls, creatures born of the aspects of the god they worship, were key to not only triumphing over the old empire but then consolidating their power over Liresku. There are multiple sects of Prythe that decry the Dominion essentially forming an oppressive, repressive, authoritarian, and totalitarian legalistic state that has a universal poor reputation that unanimously beats out the Uhlionic Republic even in the midst of one of their Terrors for being an awful state.
Dhaegoth and Vhaegoth (Twin Gods of Order or Chaos depending on the worshipper)
While thought of as Urkain gods, the two actually existed before the Urkain based on anthropological findings on the Grusch Archipelago. Vhaegoth represents mundane craftsmanship, honor, loyalty, perseverance, and peace. Dhaegoth self-sacrifice, duty, order, and valor. They are interesting in that they actually overlap with other deities' domains but often seem to have different aspects of those domains.
Xys (The Old God of Death and Chaos)
They called him the Primordial and he went by the name of Xyz. Where Sothe was orderly, he was a chaotic half formed mess of entropy. It's said he was where the fear of the dark for many Kinds came from. There's a legend that Sothe was essentially a type of angyl or daemon of his formed from an ordered mass of his essence and he struck him down and split him forever. However, pieces of him might remain. In Xatlaxa, while the Velasian pantheon has taken root here, there were ancient worshippers of his that wanted to see him in all of his ungulating glory.
There is no god of magic and if someone tells you there is, that is actually a Woehltriv or one of its worshippers.
Power Investiture Guaranteed Spells per Level of Power Investiture
A GM can add more spells for a character to learn based on relative power levels. These spells are gained automatically.
Prerequisites Required to receive Automatically Gained Spells
Blessed (Heroic Feats) [10] B41
Disciplines of Faith (Pick one Appropriate except for Monasticism) B132
Boons Automatically Gained per Power Investiture
All Clerics/Paladins
Bless (M129)
Death/Winter (Sothe)
Astral Block (M224), Banish (M), Cold (M74), Cool (M195), Ethereal Body (M146), Fear (M139), Freeze (M185), Frost (M193), Hail (M195), Icy Missiles (186), Materialize (M150), Repel Spirits (M158), Resurrection (M94), Sense Spirit (M149), Solidify (M151), Turn Spirit (M151)
War (Alar)
Blade Turning (M168), Boost (Strength) (M37), Bravery (M134), Catch Missile (M168), Catch Spell (M123), Distant Blow (M144), Enhance (Strength) (M, Force Dome (M170), Force Wall (M170), Jump (M143), Iron Arm (M169), Might (M37), Missile Shield (M168), Quick March (M144), Utter Dome (M170), Utter Wall (M170), Vigil (M138)
Law (Prythe)
Alarm (M100), Ancient History (M106), Avoid (M140), Armor (M167), Block (M166), Boost (Intelligence) (M3&) Bright Vision (M111), Compel Truth (M47), Concussion (M26), Dark Vision (M111), Daze (M134), Disorient (M135), Hawk Vision (M111), Increase Burden (143), Keen Sense (M133), Know True Shape (M106), Lesser Geas (M140), Missile Shield (M168), Oath (M138), Seeker (M105), Sleep (M135), Watchdog (M167), Wisdom (M37)
Stars/Industry (Astres)
Cadence (M39) more to come
Bravery (M134), Cadence (M39) more to come
Dhaegoth and Vhaegoth (Twin Gods of Order or Chaos depending on the worshipper)
While thought of as Urkain gods, the two actually existed before the Urkain based on anthropological findings on the Grusch Archipelago. Vhaegoth represents mundane craftsmanship, honor, loyalty, perseverance, and peace. Dhaegoth self-sacrifice, duty, order, and valor. They are interesting in that they actually overlap with other deities' domains but often seem to have different aspects of those domains.
Xys (The Old God of Death and Chaos)
They called him the Primordial and he went by the name of Xyz. Where Sothe was orderly, he was a chaotic half formed mess of entropy. It's said he was where the fear of the dark for many Kinds came from. There's a legend that Sothe was essentially a type of angyl or daemon of his formed from an ordered mass of his essence and he struck him down and split him forever. However, pieces of him might remain. In Xatlaxa, while the Velasian pantheon has taken root here, there were ancient worshippers of his that wanted to see him in all of his ungulating glory.
There is no god of magic and if someone tells you there is, that is actually a Woehltriv or one of its worshippers.
Power Investiture Guaranteed Spells per Level of Power Investiture
A GM can add more spells for a character to learn based on relative power levels. These spells are gained automatically.
Prerequisites Required to receive Automatically Gained Spells
Blessed (Heroic Feats) [10] B41
Disciplines of Faith (Pick one Appropriate except for Monasticism) B132
Boons Automatically Gained per Power Investiture
All Clerics/Paladins
Bless (M129)
Spell Lists that have Power Investiture per Godly Domain
(That a paladin/cleric must learn)
The Pentaphany (M stands for GURPS MAGIC)
Plannar Summons (M82)
Life/Spring (Liestra)
Bless Plant (M87), Body Reading (M88), Boost (Health) (M37) Cleansing (M94), Create Food (M79), Cure Disease (M91), Detect Poison (M89), Distill (M79), Essential Food (M79), Healing Slumber (M94), Instant Neutralize Poison (M92), Instant Regeneration (M93), Instant Restoration (M93), Lend Energy (M89), Lend Vitality (M89), Major Healing (M91), Minor Reading (M91), Neutralize Poison (M92), Preserve Food (M79), Purify Food (M79), Purify Water (M184), Regeneration (M93), Rejuvenate (M163), Relieve Addiction (M92), Relieve Paralysis (M93), Remove Contagion (M90), Remove Curse (M126), Resist Disease (M91), Relieve Addiction (M92), Resist Poison (M91), Seek Food (M78), Sense Life (M45) Stop Bleeding (M91), Restoration (M93), Restore Hearing (M92), Restore Sight (M92), Restore Speech (M93), Stop Paralysis (M93), Stop Spasm (M35), Test Food (M78), Vigor (M37)Death/Winter (Sothe)
Astral Block (M224), Banish (M), Cold (M74), Cool (M195), Ethereal Body (M146), Fear (M139), Freeze (M185), Frost (M193), Hail (M195), Icy Missiles (186), Materialize (M150), Repel Spirits (M158), Resurrection (M94), Sense Spirit (M149), Solidify (M151), Turn Spirit (M151)
War (Alar)
Blade Turning (M168), Boost (Strength) (M37), Bravery (M134), Catch Missile (M168), Catch Spell (M123), Distant Blow (M144), Enhance (Strength) (M, Force Dome (M170), Force Wall (M170), Jump (M143), Iron Arm (M169), Might (M37), Missile Shield (M168), Quick March (M144), Utter Dome (M170), Utter Wall (M170), Vigil (M138)
Law (Prythe)
Alarm (M100), Ancient History (M106), Avoid (M140), Armor (M167), Block (M166), Boost (Intelligence) (M3&) Bright Vision (M111), Compel Truth (M47), Concussion (M26), Dark Vision (M111), Daze (M134), Disorient (M135), Hawk Vision (M111), Increase Burden (143), Keen Sense (M133), Know True Shape (M106), Lesser Geas (M140), Missile Shield (M168), Oath (M138), Seeker (M105), Sleep (M135), Watchdog (M167), Wisdom (M37)
Stars/Industry (Astres)
Cadence (M39) more to come
The Twin Gods Bravery (M134), Cadence (M39) more to come
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