Friday, February 28, 2020

The Uhlionic Republic: The People's Vengeance

The Uhlionic Republican Equilibratist State (URES)

Skalovia - The Uhlionic Republic
Uhlionic Republic as of 0 ND

Capital Zurikau (Skalovian Oblast) 
Largest City Port Snovigrad (Klasstic Oblast officially in ND 56) 
Official Language Universal 
Unofficial Languages Heimdalid (North Eastern Velasian Dwarvish), Old Skalovian, Cymrien (Northern Elvish), Ramalisch (Djiinari Tribe language), Old Hekatien (Hagswood Witch language), Urkain (Urkain Archipelago Orcish)

Home Regions, Oblast Membership, and Nationality Population Percents
  • ND 0 98% Skalovian born, 2% Foreign Born (Clastian, Marikhorian, Wakunansi, Kesstian, Gromdalian, Cymrien)*
  • ND 27 79% Skalovian Born, 17% Clastian Oblast born, 15% Foreign Born
  • ND 348 67% Skalovian Born, 20% Clastian Oblast born, 10% Urkain Isles Oblast born, 3% Foreign Born
  • ND 421 54% Skalovian Born, 17% Clastian Oblast born, 7% Gaugrush Oblast born, 17% Rasmenai Marikhorian Oblast born, 5% Foreign Born
  • ND 612 30% Skalovian Oblast born, 58% Outer Oblastian born, 12% Foreign-Born
*These nationalities will commonly have a population in the Republic

  • -1 ON Temple Clerics of Sothe, Liestra, Alar, Prythe, and Astres
  • ND 0 None officially, lingering outlawed Cult of Gor.
  • ND 2 Hagswoods animism, outlawed Cult of Gor
  • ND 30 Special-terms recognized temples of Aleirien (Sun) and Sothe (Death) in Clastian Oblast, banned cult of Gor
  • ND 110 Unnoficial but free temples of Be'Ya'Tu, special-terms recognized temple of The Twin Gods Dhaegoth and Vhaegoth, Aleirien (Sun), Sothe (Death)
  • ND 612 Unnoficial but free temples of Be'Ya'Tu, state recognized Unanism (Monotheism out of Polytheism collectivization into one god). Non-state recognized temples of Aleirien (Sun), Astres (Stars), Dal (Farming), Liestra (Life), Hagwoods animism, Sothe (Death), and the Twin Gods Vhaegoth and Dhaegoth.
Demonyms Uhlionic
Government Authoritarian Equitianism, also known as Zelienist-Uhlionism. The people elect local council members that may rise through the ranks but the apparat, the highest council, chooses the head of government and state.
  • ND -27 ON-0 ND Revolutionary Sylvien-Uhlionist Military Junta
  • ND 0-417 Federal Zelien-Uhlionist one-party Equitianist Republic
  • ND 417-433 Sovereign-Equilibratist Confederation of Autonomous States

    • Klasstic Separatist Kingdom
    • Klasstic Equilibratist Oblast Unity Movement
    • Mekkhor Republican Enclave (In communion and loyal to the premier oblast)
    • Grush Urkain Nationalist Government
      • Urkain Speciest Movement
      • Gaugrushian Loyal Democratic Equitianist Movement
    Head of State
    Important Historical Premiers
  • Uhlion "The Broken" (Gold Dragon) -17 ON to 3 ND
  • Ural Kaitovsky (Red Kobold) 3 ND to 41 ND
  • Janna Ukiatev (Green Kobold) 41 ND to 91 ND
  • Sasha Stralensky (Skalovian Human) 103 ND to 124 ND
  • Zofia Roconovich (Silver Kobold) 321 ND to 358 ND
  • Alexei Zukhayev-Goravich (Black Dragon) 417 ND to 433 ND
  • Lansa Jurenhausen (Klasstic Human) 433 ND to 455 ND
  • more to come
Legislature, Executive - Apparat
    • Minister of Agriculture
    • Minister of Defense
      • Minister of the Division of Information
    • Minister of Diplomacy
    • Minister of Industry
    • Minister of Infrastructure
    • Minister of Magicks
    • Minister of Propaganda
    • Minister of the State
    • Minister of Technology
    • Minister of Trade
    • Minister of Transportation
    • Minister of the Treasury
    • Minister of Oblasts (Only from ND 27-34 before being considered counter-revolutionary)
Zurikau's Legislative Chamber
(Permission for use given by D20DnDhomebrewfanon reddit, go check out their maps!)

Skalovia doesn't have elective positions by the masses nor term limits. They only elect councilmen that can rise to the apparat and new premiers are chosen by the apparat. This will be a repeated controversy over the decads of its history because other Equitianist states like Wakunan have democratically elected ministers.

Size of Area 632,231 miles at 0 ND, 945,234 miles at 28 ND, 1,843,332 miles at 612 ND
Population 23 million at -23 OM, 17 million at 0 ND, 53 million at 50 ND, 373 million at 600 ND
Establishment 0 ND of the Lothrian calendar, year 432,384 of Cymrien calendar, year 121,000 of Gromdalian calendar
Prosperity Rich, in top 5 of world nations nations
Currency Taigues
Time Zone Eastern Coastal Velassian
Date Format YYYY.MM.DD
Calendar Type Lothrian (human first dean of University of Zurikau) 40 day months, 10 day week, 7 day work-week, 3 day weekend, 10-month calendar.
Driving Side Right
Common Kins Dragons, Dragonborn, Kobolds (Majority), Humans, and Dwarves
Special Kin Populations Djiinari tribes, Fallow, Hagwoods hags, Urkain expatriates
Magic Magic is regulated by the Institute of Magicks, known colloquially by the old Skalovian word, Kvoretz. All magic users must report regularly to the Institute or be handled by an Institute agent dependent on their status. Special status groups such as the hag corps do not report to agents based on ancient agreements. Djiinari tribes must still report to the Institute but not have a handler unless they are placed into the Sakovian military.

  • Kvoretz The Ministry of Magic and producers of Equalizer and Neutralizer mages. It is established at 0 ND.
  • Hagcorps The special Hekatien magic corp that acts as both heka-powered healers and utility mages on and off the battlefield. It is established in 1 ND.
  • Orkestr The Ministry of Song that trains and produces bardic magic users using the Minnesang traditions of Klastte. It is established in 54 ND.
Economy State Controlled from ND 0-432; Heavily state influenced and watched by ND 432 and on but with private market elements. The Republic does not use a command economy. The Republic has traded in furs, minerals, arms, and processed medicines (but not the components) for a long time. It will later sell machinery, locomotives, and aeroships.
Military Known as the Gold Army. Professional, voluntary, and special case conscriptional national force made up of land army, navy, engineer corps, and later airforce.
As of Epoch 1, the vast majority of Gold Army forces are linemen, musket-wielding troops drilled in fighting in unit formations trained in giving continuous volleys of musket fire. The line regiment are made up of about 200-500 soldiers in rectangular formations that are trained to shift and move quickly to meet new threats. The kobold majority of the nation benefits greatly from line warfare as their smaller strength and stature are rendered unimportant by the masses of them aiming at the enemies of the State with powerful guns that can pierce armor. They are also armed with bayonets to fight cavalry and to keep enemy infantry at bay until proper melee units or magic units join the fray. Key to supporting the line regiments are powerful solid shot and explosive shot artillery pieces that include smooth-bore cannons and mortars. They often soften up foes and lower their morale before they are faced with the main forces of the Gold Army. Support units of the Gold Army include Special Weapons Teams using magitek weaponry such as the handheld scorpion-like Holowitz Piercer and the Skalovian Candle single-use flame thrower. Crisis units, often much smaller regiments of around 80-160 soldiers, are close combat and melee-oriented troops armored with cuirasses and steel armor. They carry with them longswords and multiple flintlock pistols. Their ranks often include Special Weapons Team members and magic troops. Crisis units were an invention of the First Lich War made to specifically counter dedicated melee infantry along with having enough mobility to strike at enemy generals and spell casters. Along with the infantry are cavalry units trained first as lancers and later as dragoons and ranged harassers. To supplement the mundane forces, Institute War Mages and Hagcorps Witch Medics serve in offensive and defensive roles respectively. War Mages do the standard fare of fireballs, lightning strikes, and other such magics often acting as line or siege breachers or as the hammer to the linemen's anvil. Hagcorps witches play the role of the clerics that abandoned Skalovia after the revolution and serve as healers, watchmen for magery, and battlefield defense magic. Both have great uses in utility use such as their abilities to purify food and water, erect limited fortifications until proper forts can be made, quickening construction and manual work through magical manipulation, and by being able to buff the regiments they are attached to. Institute Mages are trained by the Insititute of Magicks to excel in their roles and understand their duty to the state and to the collective. Hagscorps receive less training by the State but come from a long line of magic users and are often trained at a young age by the covens.

Specific Types of Military Agents
Neutralizers - War Mages trained from the Institute.
Hexwards - Hexwood medics and utility witches.

Court of Law Style
Inquisitor System with a judge that takes active participation in proceedings along with a defender and prosecutor.
Intelligence Agencies

  • The Commissariat Council for National Spirit (Internal). An organization built at the beginning of the Klastte Occupation by premier Ural Kaitovsky to curb anti-State sentiments and subversive elements in the Skalovian and Klasttic oblasts. It followed the chaplain-like commissariat of the revolution.
  • The Blyska Initiative (External). A secretive organization built by a joint effort between three of Uhlion's war council: Dasili Geriov, Janna Ukiatev, and Grenr Stoyakev. The Foundation works as a spy agency and external propaganda machine. It engages in intelligence gathering, assassination, sabotage, dissent fomenting, stoking Equitianist sentiment in foreign nations. A majority of its agents are mages with Geriov best and most suitable Institute acolytes being secretly inducted. It is equipped and armed very well and often has access to Holowitz Labs' newest magitek and experiments. It is named in memory of the war hero Blyska the Brave who was killed in battle by a foreign-hired assassin (later found to be hired by the queen of Alaria, Arabelle the seventh). A treasured comrade to the three founders, through her death they saw that the world outside was not as supportive as they seemed during the beginning of the war against the scale princes. They decided to form an organization that would allow them to make preventative strikes and act on the outside of the URES' borders as the assassin did. Unfortunately, Arabelle died before one of their agents could return the favor.
The Uhlionic Republic
The Uhlionic Republic is a nation inhabiting the north-east edge of the continent Velas in a region known as Skalovia. It is an Equilibratist republic founded by the golden dragon Uhlion "The Broken" who lead a revolution against the previous oppressive city-states known as hearthsholds that were ruled by dragons and their appointed regents in a class and race-based hierarchy with kobolds at the bottom. It is one of the most prominent states regularly involved in world affairs. It is also known for being the source of events and technologies that changed the face of the planet. Skalovia is ruled by a council of ministers known as an apparat. The first among equals of the apparat is known as the general secretary of the state. The apparat is made up of multiple ministers that are the heads of their own ministries. Those ministries run state affairs. To date as of 432 ND (Post-Revolution) of the Uhlion calendar, which replaced the calendar of St. Cymrie of Verdania ten years after the revolution, there are twelve ministries. The ministers of the apparat set policy which is then carried out by bureaucrats of the different ministries which is then followed by workers and agents. Almost every citizen in Skalovia either works under or is associated with one of the ministries. Skalovia has one of the largest states in the world with one of the largest and most technologically advanced national armies. Skalovia was the beginning source of mass industrialization movements, revolutions, and technological advances that changed the face of the world permanently. Uhlion had the knowledge that would be turned to the purpose of creating gunpowder weaponry, stronger steel, and industrialization technology that would lead to colossal advances in warfare, production, and quality of life for the once oppressed citizens of Skalovia.

Society and Culture
The apparat is the main ruling government of Skalovia. It is made up of a council of ministers. Beneath the council of ministers are the ministries made up of officers and chiefs. The ministries manage bureaucrats and settlements of the oblasts, segments of nations that are then broken down into districts. Society trickles down from the ruling apparat down to the individual district worker unions that are the governing bodies of village, farm, town, port, and city. The unions replace the common system of local governance of lord, mayor, department, and the like with a cooperative council that mirrors the apparat. The unions' authority at the local level covers factories, warehouses, restaurants, community organization, individual farms, and more.

The ministry of the state manages the provincial peacekeeping division, the police of the state that are often named "provos". The provos enforce the law, keep the peace, mediate civil disturbances, and can act as part of local union militia in times of war. Their level of armament depends on the risk of violence of where they patrol. Newly incorporated territories will see fully armed provos acting more as military police with expanded powers to prevent revolts, while peaceful regions such as the home territories will often see provos disarmed except for clubs (and stun weapons depending on the time period) but with special teams of crisis units that can bear arms at a moment's notice.
Kobolds did not have last names under the old regime. They were lucky enough to have names at all. In the era after the revolution, kobolds took the names in old Skalovian, the culture that existed before the dragons and existed in bits and pieces, as surnames which had families named after features near their original homes like "Mountain" "Forest" "Stream" but in old Skalovian.
The military is highly revered in Skalovian society. Its reputation for winning the republic's citizens their freedom has them give it a huge amount of respect. Often two years after entering the appropriate years of adulthood for a kin, citizens are required to serve for a set amount of time from 1 to 5 years depending on the need at the time. It also allows career opportunities and transitioning to civilian professions. Many an apparat member and a ministry officer was a career military soldier. There is no separation between the land forces, navy, and later airforce in the republic. This was done to crack down on interservice rivalry and to emphasize the cooperative spirit of the nation.
The culture of Skalovia emphasizes using the strength of the individual to hold up the weaknesses of the collective so that the individual and the collective may prosper. Skalovians are industrial and cooperative people because of this, owing to their history of collectivization giving them the rights they have. Often the community is the focal point of values but the nation including the home territories and the oblasts outranks all in importance. Skalovians are also taught to be fair and impartial and are exposed to different kins from themselves either from birth or at the primary schools known as kibbutz. Although for much of their history the majority population has been dragonkin, they are taught that diversity is strength and that is enshrined even down to the philosophical foundations of the nation and its laws. However, there is a sense of nationalism along with ideological bias among the Skalovians that may blind the masses to the more gray areas of their lives. This does extend to what they consider the "worldwide revolution" which includes nations such as the Wakunansi Unity State or the various aligned Xatlaxan states. These are welcome comrade states that are to be helped and protected as they are helped and protected according to their shared valued systems.
Food, Drink, and Arts
Outside of these generalities, Skalovians are known for a drink known as Wyazt that is fermented from Skalovian grown fungi. It is heavily alcoholic and often bitter unless mixed with other ingredients. The republic was also where ice skating became a popular past time and later multiple team and demonstration sports were born on the thick Skalovian ice. The massive Zurikau theatre hosts both plays, ballet, opera, and national events and similar but smaller theatres are found throughout the home territories and the oblasts. The republic ballet is one of the most lauded in the world and was begun by an Elvish immigrant from the western Syldanian territories of Velas in 5 ND. The republic's nature as essentially a giant worker's cooperative engenders the citizens to have regular large gatherings. Skalovians enjoy leisure time of three day weekends at the end of seven day work weeks.
Skalovians tend to have a high baseline of education, being taught arithmetic, civics, literacy, grammar, law, literature, history, and philosophy at the kibbutz stage of schooling which takes around seven years. They also have universities to pursue higher education for future careers.
The Foundations of the Culture The republic's culture is shaped by two defining features of Skalovia's history. The old draconic rule of the Scale Princes and the Revolution itself along with the ideals it carried that were part of an overall value system known as Equitianism. Every part of the country is affected by that history and that system.

Economics and Jobs The republic is a prosperous nation because of both its rich natural resources and the systems used to produce goods. In its early years, its trade was limited to the handful of nations that would recognize its sovereignty and legitimacy. Their motivation to do this was mainly for the Skalovians' weaponry. Ages going past and the changing makeup of the world made its pariah-like status soften. Over time it will export many different products from tools to machines to food and domestic products. Processed medicine, sanitation products, and purification tools for water and food will also be exported in large amounts to the world. The Republic uses a state-planned and driven economy that is driven mainly by the ministries of infrastructure, trade, agriculture, transportation, and industry with influence by the ministry of state, defense, and technology. The government directly manages the economy. Citizens pay taxes and in return receive education, housing, medical care, and jobs. There are quotas for certain jobs being filled depending on the time period. It may be required for a large minimum of citizens to work in agriculture or in factories and workshops or in the military depending on the need at the time. Outside of those times, Skalovians can generally attempt any career or profession they desire from entertainer to historian to professor to cartographer and the like. During their primary schooling, students will often be presented and encouraged to go with work that they show they are strong in. However, when the need arises, the state requires the citizen to follow its lead for the good of the collective.

The Fangs and Natural Borders of Skalovia
Skalovia lies at the northeastern tip of Velas. It is a land with a mix of temperate and taiga-like geography with cool temperate conditions in summer and spring but with murderous falls and winters for those without hearthstones. Mountain chains have served as great walls around the land of Skalovia. They rise far into the air and cover the western border, most of the south starting from the east, much of the east, and the entire north. Those gates between the Fangs, the name of the mountain chains, on the east are home to the few cold-water ports that are not used often for proper trade. The spaces between the mountains are known as mouths. Indeed, much of Skalovian trading has had to be done via the southern gate at the Klasstic border. Many tariffs between the nations make moving goods expensive and troublesome when done over land. Another mountain chain runs from the center to the northern edge of the fangs known as the Spine. The western border brushes with the Gromdalian mountain homes of dwarves under the Merchant Republic and the northeastern principalities of Marikhoria. The north and east borders lead to the blank sea. The southern border is shared with Klastte.

Skalovian Kibbutz
A kibbutz is a mixture of boarding school and nursery. Dragonkin and those few lizardmen of the Uhlion Republic have always laid their eggs and kept them in clutches. In the greater world of Ves those dragons and dragonborn often keep their own close and heated while kobolds keep their clutches mixed with others. In a Skalovian kibbutz, all eggs of egglaying kin are put together in large warm incubator nests to grow and hatch together. The different generations are cataloged and given names by their parents or, in the case of absence, by the caretakers of the eggs. These hatchlings will all be raised together and imprint upon the caretakers. Indeed, their parents are not allowed to see their children for two weeks. This is to ensure a socialization process where the hatchlings see the different kins around them and normalize having them around. Along with this, the caretakers will serve as nurse, mother-figure, prefect, and teacher thus will have a lot of instinctual trust placed in them. This does not break familial bonds and often those parents that want to be part of their children's lives will be recognized and bonded with by their hatchling. When they are older, they are allowed to leave with their parents for extended periods of time depending on development. Mammalian children are excluded from this system as they do not quite have the clutch instincts of their egg-hatching comrades. In the case of an orphan, the child is raised with the rest. Kibbutz, beyond the nursery aspect, is mandatory for all Skalovian citizens to attend when they are children. The growing comrades are taught literacy, arithmetic, philosophy, history, and are allowed electives later in their schooling. These electives could be for specific craftwork training, naval career training, career soldier training, for preparation for Zurikau university's medical, engineering, research, or apparat programs to train new bureaucrats the ministers can rely upon. Those that are found to be of magical blood or of talent of learned magicks are to be raised with their fellow hatchlings until they reach the human equivalent of 13 and are sent to the Institute of Magicks to train under the professors there to better serve the state.

The kibbutz also makes it very easy to disseminate ideas that are favorable to the ruling party. From a very young age the view of history, civics, philosophy, and the state itself is taught via party guidelines to the ministry of infrastructure's education division. The separation of dragonkin from their parents for periods of time also makes their input lesser on what their children would learn.

Skalovian Equitianism
Skalovian culture, work, war, and life revolves around the philosophical and political ideology of Equitianism. While its codes were built over time by multiple individuals through the centuries, the first Equitianist Code was first published by the Verdanian elf, Sylvyras Zelien. A prince turned explorer, Sylvie took his mass knowledge of the living conditions, political ideologies, and systems of society and government he learned over centuries to create his own philosophy of liberation and lifting kins (the word for sapient species) to equal levels of status and living quality based on meeting people's needs and raising others based on ability to raise others. In his ideology, a dragon has the duty to raise a kobold to a social platform that would allow him to excel at his life through treating them with respect and using their abilities to help them. This is exemplified in the Skalovian Revolution where the gold dragon Uhlion armed masses of dragonkin and other masses oppressed by the Scale Princes through the arming, organization, and meritocratic rank system of his revolutionary army along with using his knowledge and power as a dragon to better their lives and station. A unity of individualistic strengths upholding others where the collective whole as individuals benefit. This was in opposition to the systems of feudalism and plutocracy he had seen among both the landed gentry and merchants of the various lands he visited. Where those with the ability were not allowed to use that ability due to repressive practices and those with need were not receiving the necessary resources for those needs due to the hoarding of resources by the various lords, kings, merchant-barons, and tyrants of his day.
Skalovian Equitianism has transformed through the years. Uhlion used a modified version of Sylvie's teachings that taught the importance of the building of equitianist states in order to rise against the masses' oppressors and defend against outside forces. It was imbued with a spirit of ongoing revolution where the freed Skalovians would attempt to go on and free the world in a worldwide revolution. The state was paramount in the Uhlion school Equitianist's eyes and those that did not conform were anti-revolutionary and would either have to be retaught or liquidated.
The Uhlionist school was opposed by the Anarcho-Equitianist school whose main proponent, who was Uhlion's largest political enemy after the revolution, was General Zukhayev Garovich, a black dragon that had a similar background to Zelie but an exile rather than a voluntary traveler. Formerly known as "Caepheras son of Vaulkr the Miserly", Zukhayev changed his name to cut all ties with his past as a noble son of the scale princes he rebelled against. In time, he would kill his father. His school, which was a culmination of teachings by those that came after Zelie, held that collective action should come about through voluntary grouping for the good of all and not held at gunpoint by a state's hand and that the existence and use of a state only led to violence by that state either as a passive effect or the use of it as a hammer against the masses due to the nature of states. He was often at odds with the majority of the apparat but was kept around due to his own disciples often owning high positions in the ministries, especially in the military, and also his own popularity and charisma that only paled to Uhlion's. Along with this, he was a high general of the Skalovian military and a hero of the revolution which a large amount of troops under him. He also had to compromise his own beliefs many times due to his personal sense of duty to Skalovia. He saw it as the grand experiment that would prove his beliefs once and for all and needed it to succeed even if it was in the form he did not want. He decided that he needed to gradually work the nation to his ideal, even if it would take centuries. He still has not accomplished all his goals.
Other schools of equitianist thought exist throughout the different echelons of Skalovia as well. These include more dogmatic forms of equitianism that are strict to Sylvie's original code. There are also forms of the ideology that are hybridizations of it and other economic and political systems. Unfortunately, these tend to clash with each other and depending on the time period an iron fist is held upon the country by the form of ideology that is held by the upper members of government.

Emancipated and Protected Groups
Owing to Equitianist thought, all Kinds are accepted in the URES. Certain groups are given special or protected status but not to the point of making them a caste or class outside of the majority. These statuses are often done in line with Equitianist thought of accommodation and the natural back and forth between giving from one's ability and receiving for one's needs. Discriminated groups such as the Fallow, Djiinari, and bestials are welcome with the Djiinari's nomadic lifestyle taken in mind when treating them as citizens of the URES. Another special group are the native Ved'ma or Hagswood witch covens who were allowed to freely return to the homes they were forced out of by the Scale Princes. However, like every citizen, each group must contribute to the state and to the collective in some way. Often this means serving in the military for a varying minimum of years.
This was not always the case. From the beginning, most of Uhlion's wartime staff wanted to use Equitianist philosophy to build their new republic. This included the Djiinari tribes, the Fallow, and the Hagswood witch communities. The latter were seen favorably by the majority of Skalovians. They often would take in runaway kobolds. They were subject to pogroms by the Scale Princes and driven out. Uhlion was hesitant on allowing the Djiinari and witches into Skalovia. Djiinari as nomads would be outsiders to the society he had control over and was building and the latter were seen by him as obscurantists using ways not explained by magical scholars. He capitulated to the witches' return when pointed out without the clerics that helped them in the revolution, they had no efficient medical staff nor magical ways to increase crop yield or do other things the clerics were critical for. Zukhayev and Ukiatev argued with Uhlion long and hard for the Djiinari. Zukhayev's distaste for state conformism and his natural empathy impassioned him to roar his arguments at Uhlion whom argued back just as powerfully. They almost came to blows. Uhlion relented. Those and all other races were then naturally to be protected under Equitianist philosophy of raising all to fairness and impartiality.

Skalovian Climate and Geography
Skalovia has a mix of biomes. Cold temperate forests can be found around the southern third of the region that are replaced with taigas unevenly and gradually but completely as a few dozen of miles north of the city of Letrotsk. The separation almost looks like an unevenly curved line. The last fifth of the region is purely tundra and the northern and immediate eastern sea is ice. Great big mountains surround most of the region. A chain cuts right down the middle of Skalovia from the north and stops once reaching two thirds south of the country. Skalovia has multiple small lakes and ponds along with rivers running from the mountains. Skalovian falls and winters are hellish for most of its history and will kill those exposed to sub-Thalien temperatures.

Skalovian Animals
Grey wolves, arctic foxes, polar bears, snowshoe hares, gulls, grouses, black fish, trout, taimen, otters, loons, grouses, beavers, squirrels, weasels, rats, minks, lynx, stoats, moose, caribou, elk, and other animals are found in Skalovia. Demidrakes are raised there. These are quadrupedal and tough pack animals and mounts that walk closer to the ground than a horse. They are also warmblooded. Weyrs are not a natural animal but a mixture of horse, goat, and donkey that look like a tall white-furred goat with a slightly more elongated face. They were created by Old Skalovian experiments to create an animal that would walk easily multiple surfaces and be strong enough to be pack animals.
Skalovian Monsters
Separate from the animals of Skalovia are the monsters. This designation is given to those beasts that are invasive and hostile to local fauna and often have some sort of magical or supernatural nature about them. One benefit to Old Skalovia was that the Scale Princes and their servants would hunt down these fiends since they would threaten mining outposts and crops needed to feed the Prince dragons and the nobility. With the revolution, the numbers of monsters were allowed to grow and those that had taken to hiding started appearing again. The State would prefer to keep all Skalovian issues dealt by them, but they have outsourced to mercenaries and adventurers to rid them of the creatures.
Skalovian monsters include wendigo which are the result of cannibalism on certain spots of the world which makes a horrific spindly pale creature with razor-sharp claws and hardened bullet-proofed skin that can perform mimicry and can climb anywhere, tugarins which are smoke emitting and fire-breathing fiends, boruta which are soft-skinned gaunt membranous bipedal things which are attracted to wine and furs, rokita which are chameleonic scaled creatures with three eyes and seven limbs that eat Kinds with their common prey being those in the outskirts of cities or cloistered away from civilization, bukavacs which are six-legged beasts with gnarled horns that live in Skalovian lakes and drag down unsuspecting fishers with a loud sound.


The Founding
Skalovia is an Equitianist nation found in the north-east on the continent of Velas. It grew out of a revolution against a millenia long regime of outsider dragons stealing the most valuable and, more importantly, livable sections of the region from the native witches and dragonkin. Thousands of years of tyrant rules by dragons and their favored servants known as regent thrawls were broken up by a son of one of these dragons, Uhlion "The Broken". The grounded golden dragon with mutilated wings and the secret of flame stolen from Astres, the god of the stars. Over the course of five hundred years, he built a revolution from the ground up with followers from across the globe. Using his secrets and the innovators he gathered to create weapons to make scalebound knights of the Scale Princes quiver in fear. Using his charm and expert persuasion to gain the trust and love of hundreds and thousands. Using Equitianism, a political philosophy, to gather the kins behind him and give them hope. He used propaganda, influence, a silver tongue, and massed armies of kobolds and other races armed with muskets and cannons to overturn the hearthsholds of the Scale Princes and win Skalovia for the masses. With him was a retinue of colleagues made up of those that believed in the Equitianist cause from all of the world. Zukhayev the Black, a fellow exile and strong believer in the cause along with being his best general in the war. He often led at the front in his black dragonborn form to stand on the same ground as his comrades and the enemies of the Revolution would only know his presence by the surprise appearance of his powerful acid breath. Dalfr the Vengeful, a blue dragon that believed in no higher cause but brought a burning rage upon the Scale Princes that had wounded her. Ural Kaitovsky, the right-hand man of Uhlion and his most trusted general. The red kobold worshipped the words of his emancipator and was one of the first of the Skalovians Uhlion freed in the lead up to the war. Gagrin Yaggreslov, a genius and once lab thrall of the green dragon Gadric the Mad. Scarred by Gadric's magical experiments, he dedicated his life to mundane technology in spite of magitek experimentation. His efforts bore much fruit and with fellow colleagues like Piotr Danilovsky, the designer of the Danilovsky .50 Musket, he would design the weapons that Uhlion would put in the hands of the people. His greatest rival was Klaus Holowitz, a Clastian human and magitek science researcher. They often clashed over their differing philosophies of science but Holowitz could create rare and powerful tools that were a boon to the revolutionaries. Both would go on to form divisions under the ministry of technology that freed them to do their research. It is often said that in a race to the two moons, Holowitz would reach them first and flashier but Yaggreslov would get there cheaper and more efficiently.

Uhlion had other followers as well. His quartermaster Janna Ukiatev the green kobold who was instrumental in outfitting Uhlion's armies. His logistics officer Grenr Stoyakev, Skalovian-born Gromdalian dwarf and first investor having bought or talked many surrounding craftsmen or businesses into building the weapons designed by the revolutionaries. The officer of magicks users, Dasili Geriov, a silver kobold and once the master of magicbloods for the Scale Prince Hruimdr the Terrible, Uhlion's father.

The revolution took 27 years. Many setbacks and adaptions had to be made until the forces of the golden dragon rolled over the forces of the Scale Princes. The Princes' feelings of pride were to blame for this as much as Uhlion or his follower's work. They either underestimated the revolutionaries, thought they would be politically useful, or acted too late in stopping them. It did not help that a few million of their subjects had perished in the genocidal holy war of the Scarlet Host two years before the revolution. That horde gathered of knights and mercenaries around the Prophet of She of Bloody Tears, a now heretical saint of Liestra, warred upon Skalovia because ofo the prophet's premonition a great destabilizing force would be born of the dragonkin of Skalovia. That prophet was later executed by ad-hoc inquisitors of the Liestran temple but the damage was done. Furthermore, dragons princes of the hearthsholds and their regents perished. The damage was done and these immortal tyrants were now shown to bleed as well as any "lesser" kin. The throngs of kobolds could see change. Even if the work of the cult of Gor, the Dragonfather, tried to stop it as it always did. The quickpad monks headed it and proselytized the rightful rule of the greater princes against the verminous masses that should have been grateful for their allowed breaths. They also acted as spy, assassin, and saboteur for the princes. They attempted to stomp out any dissent. The damage was done, and Uhlion had his opening.

Indeed, a similar event to the War of Bloody Tears occurred at the end of the revolution. A great mercenary army, mainly hired by the few remaining princes but also funded by the lords of the world that feared what an Equitianist state would mean for their dynasties, was sent to stomp out the rebellion. This was known as the Golden Host. Unlike the masses of minimally armed kobolds that died by the hundreds of thousands to the crusaders of ages past, the line regiments, artillery, hussar cavalry, cleric units, and magicks brigades smashed apart the shining knights and forces of Old Night. If there was any doubt about the legitimacy of the new Skalovian regime, it was quashed like the bones of plate-armored men that froze in the late winter snow of the southern Fang Mouth. They were here to stay.

The Peace

After the revolution, multiple reforms were made to transition the new Uhlion Republic, named after their beloved leader. A new calendar was made to separate the Republic from the Cymrien calendar that the rest of the world and the Scale Princes used and break with the time Old Night before the state was formed officially. There would be ten months in a year made up of forty days in contrast to the 13 month 30 day calendar of St. Cymrie. A week would be ten days. Weekends would now be to be a time of leisure for a majority of Skalovian citizens. With an exception for those in positions where they had to be working most of the time and would receive liberty on irregular days as their positions were changed out. Such as the hundred-thousand strong southern border guard vigilant for possible Clastian attack that had comrades be switched out over specific intervals. Clastia had not attacked Skalovia but they did allow the Golden Host through its lands. Along with this, its absolute monarchy abhorred the Equitianist state. Tensions varied but were high as a baseline.

Along with this, two new schooling systems would be made. One for the new generation born at the end of the revolution, the kibbutz based on an expanded version of Xatlaxan lizardman hatcheries, and the trade school, which would train those adults to transition from their muskets to plowshares. These measures were pushed forward by the forward-thinking of Jan Ukiatev and Grenr Stoyakev. The former would be celebrated for his achievements in peace time that helped the masses. The previously named fort Bromchau was renamed fort Ukiatev in his honor even as soon as the end of the revolution.

The Debate
The Republic was not meant to be an empire. At least, it wasn't to those like general Zukhayev, Ukiatev, Yaggreslov, Holowitz, and Geriov. Stoyakev, Kaitovsky, and Uhlion had other ideas. Ideas that would be put on the backburner after a day of heated debate and arguing between the two camps that had Uhlion step down from his planned invasion of Clastia. The side of peace pointed out their lack of manpower and need to grow along with their dwindling food supplies that were always precarious without the work of the clerics and outside donations from those wishing to profit from the fall of the Princes. Those clerics that abandoned the nation en-masse once the knowledge of Uhlion's great blasphemy was spread through the last days of the war and those that no longer found the Republic forces convenient to their means. Logistics would be the death of them. So Uhlion blinked. This would only deepen his distrust of the black dragon and those that spoke against him and moved him to make plans for them. Plans that would never come to fruition with the Great Slumber Forward, but were carried out partially by his star pupil, Kaitovsky.

The Aftermath
The republic came to be at peace. Large projects of construction, infrastructure, agriculture, and others were begun. Great edible fungus farms grew in the caverns previously lived in by the Scale Princes. That last project was helped by Gromdalian dwarves that used the same fungi in their holds but could not be used anywhere but the hoard caves that were recently cleared. Scale Prince gold changed hands quickly, the plunder funding the revolution and then the formation of the state. Trade with Wakunan helped with food shortages along with supplying key raw materials and herbs. This cemented the deep friendship and alliance the gnollish and dragonkin majority states would have. It would also be facilitated by Yaggreslov and Holowitzs' rare but world-changing collaboration: the skyship. Which made its first voyage from Skalovia to Wakunan in 3 ND. The ship had been in the works for decades and with many different researchers and innovators but had to be postponed several times. Uhlion finally supplied the mass labor and resources necessary to build such a thing. Yaggreslov supplied the equipment necessary to gather volcanic gasses that would allow a large balloon to float above the clowds, and Holowitz supplied the runes and magitek crystals that would maker the steel and wood body of the ship float and be able to carry much tonnage of goods. Specifically the destructive weapons of Skalovia along with raw mining materials to Wakunan for Wakunansi goods back. Great famines were narrowly avoided and the many comrades of the war found peace. For a short time, before the lich invasion of 10 ND.
The Foundation and the World's Reaction
     While none would argue the Scale Princes were vile despots in need of a good revolt, the rise of an Equitianist state served as the manifestation of many kingdoms' greatest fears. There was now living proof that would-be usurpers and reformers could use and be able to spread their ideology and philosophy more easily. Also, while the Scale Princes were terrible to their people, they tended to stay in their territory even after the invasion of the Host of Bloody Tears and the Scarlet Prophet. This was not satisfactory for Uhlioon. Along with this, a valuable trade partner was lost. Extremely few kingdoms at the time recognized the Uhlion Republic as a state. 
Wakunansi Relations
The first exception was the Constitutional Matriarchy of Wakunan. That nation had Equitianist ideals spread to them many years past and they found those ideas were compatible with many Wakunansi cultural practices and views. There had already been a movement to remove the matriarchy and it was nothing more than a vestigial figurehead position at the time of recognition. The issue Wakunan faced throughout their history was that their once key position as the road the north traded with the south through had made them also a juicy target for bandits, invasions, and other nations. The value of their land was also very high due to high-yield soil along with their mixture of tropical and arid climates being able to yield exotic and luxury fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, and other materials. Accepting Equitianist thought was easy especially with the Wakunansi modified version espoused by political philosopher and Wakunansi native Zee'Kae'Zee Arh'Kae. After the Skalovian revolution, the council of the matriarchy put forward multiple reforms to fully become an Equitianist state. The Wakunansi Unity State formally became trading partners with Skalovia. Wakunan would ship to them raw materials that the Skalovians needed to begin construction of mass-scale factories. They would send this along with food and medicine in order to help the in-process nation with a shortage of food and medical ability due to disrupting crop tending to have the majority of their population engaged in the war and had a mass abandonment by clerics in protest of Uhlion's great blasphemy against Astres. In return, Wakunan would gain a full bevy of their advanced gunpower weaponry over continuous and regular shipments including the mundane muskets and cannons among the special weapon piercers and hand-held breath cannons. They required these in order to have their neighbors think twice about attacking them.
The Great Slumber Forward
Uhlion, in the years after the revolution, planned a large purging of non-conformist elements in Skalovia to protect his vision of the state and solidify power in the hands of those that would use it according to his vision. This did not come about as the great slumber came upon him and he was bereft of the ability to carry out his purge. As a dragon, Uhlion required prolonged periods of sleep to break up months to years of wakefulness. This was key in the design of the Scale Princes' hearthsholds as they could sleep restfully while their thrawls ruled in their name. Uhlion had been awake for a collective five hundred years of his eight hundred before he slept again. In comparison, Zukhayev often had to break up his efforts with prolonged months of sleep, his longest streak awake being the fifteen years that comprised of the revolution in the later years with his total time awake being 50. Uhlion had been awake for so long to carry out his plans that he dropped into a seemingly indefinite coma. Indeed, he still lives but slumbers in the Tomb of the Founder, a great big complex in Zurikau. He was succeeded by General Secretary Ural Kaitovsky.

Uhlion's Great Blasphemy
Uhlion's five hundred years of work culminated in his greatest discovery in the year of -427 ON. In -311 ON, he made a deal with the god of death for an amulet that would keep him safe from divine retribution. Sothe would require something of him later and it is still not known what it was. The Sothe of his time was not the Sothe of centuries later so it was not certain if the deal even held. He then performed a great ritual in a far off land beyond the currently known map of the world. That is where he took from Astres the secret of combustion. This however, was not as clear cut as it seemed. In truth, the ideas of gunpowder and combustion had been brewing for millenia. Eventually, the time and conditions would be right and forms of those guns Uhlion used would have been made, but most likely less powerful without the combined information and designs of all those thinkers.
Uhlion essentially plagiarized those beliefs, thoughts, and theories out of Astres' god code. That is what caused the clerics to abandon him. The majority of them didn't know the true matter, but the highest prelate of Astres, the Inheritor of Flame, knew. He quickly spoke to the other prelates that would listen. If this could be done once, it could be done again. To Sothe, to Liestra, to even the Twins, and others. The fear they felt could have been out of the possible loss of power, or it could have been from not knowing the consequences of such actions.

The Retrograde Effect
Uhlion's Lack of Foresight
The information that Uhlion stole that he made materialize through the efforts of his scientists and researchers like Klaus Holowitz, Gagrin Yagresslov, Piotr Danilovsky, and the like dragged the world into a new century of advancement and tech. However, that dragging also left behind the smaller pieces needed to reach that tech. Uhion did steal a combination of knowledge from multiple thinkers and innovators. However, he essentially skipped many steps to get what he thought was important. As such, after a short boom of tech between -50 ND and 20 ND, research stagnated. Unless it was a relatively simple modification or in the work for a long time such as the rifling process for the Danilovsky musket or the aeroship which had been in work for decades to possible centuries, tech took much longer as the missing steps had to be found from the ground up. Magitek would often not need these missing steps but would still be too expensive and the components too rare to really bring the societies of the world forward. Hence why the steam locomotive train was not invented until around 147 ND although the Holowitz Track Carrier was made in 38 ND but only found in very limited quantities for the states and elites that could afford them. It was not until around 612 that an equilibrium had been reached and an explosion of tech would occur again.

The Lich War
12 ND to 16 ND
In 12 ND, the undead confederation raised a bony claw at Skalovia as a place ripe for plundering by their vast undead armies. The hearthstones and the sources of those lifesaving devices were extremely valuable resources in the rituals of the undead. They began their attack upon Port Holowitz, the one port of the republic that saw extremely little use as a naval station because of the cold waters of northeastern Skalovia but did serve as a military base and one day aeroship port. The unprepared and complacent comrades were smashed apart by the forces of the dead. They would join their numbers as the liches rose many a dragonkin and soldier into mindless thralls. Word traveled fast from the very few survivors of the attack. General Zukhayev, returning from a diplomatic mission in Wakunan (and short term exile and suspension of sorts for losing Uhlion and Dalfr's dragon egg in fort Ukiatev) raised the armies of the revolution again to march against the undead. They fought a hard, brutal, bloody defensive campaign that drew them back to Fort Geriov, a starfort named after the dragonborn founder of the Institute of Magicks. There they made their defense. The manner of war that had won against the Scale Princes was not suitable for masses of dead that knew nothing of morale, cared not for the armor-piercing musket fire, and contained thick skulls that made bayonet combat difficult and fraught. They still fell under the mass impacts of cannonfire and the piercer-organ, a design of smaller piercer cannons named for their penetrative abilities that was put together on a tripod and used to rip through linear swathes of undead. Along with this, Holowitz's dragonsbreath arms found use in burning hordes of undead. A core of dragonborn and kobolds, either those were nobility that turned against the scale princes or served as gladiators in their arenas, became the first Crisis Guards. Crisis Guards were first adhoc formed during this war to be close-ranged specialists that wielded melee weaponry, spray weaponry, and other implements. They used the Holowitz Rune-Lit Light Plating, very expensive suits that used a similar process to the divinely blessed Holy Carapace of the Alarian Order. They became instrumental in general defense and taught their comrades skills and methods to fight against the undead menace. So the adaptability of the Republican Army was demonstrated and the hordes of undead were cut through and their masters targeted to disrupt the necromantic energies that held them up. Many were lost in this war. Many villages destroyed or abandoned with their inhabitants fleeing to the south or becoming undead. General Zukhayev would be rendered comatose by the hand of a wight during the final days of this war. This would render him unable to command his forces two months into the Klasstic campaign

A Look Closer to the Ground based around General Alexei Zukhayev and Commissar Goravich's Experiences
The situation had gotten dire from the beginning of the war over the course of passing months. The undead had been invaded with a massive force to the northeast via Skalovia’s northeastern coast, and slippery mobile agents have been transported around Skalovia’s borders to raise the dead of decades of war. For the soldiers stationed at the central-eastern stronghold, Fort Holowitz felt like an eye in a storm but a vital eye and every day it felt more dire with the realization of the URA that the undead were shambling in its direction from their long invasion. General Alexei Zukhayev-Goravich, General Adamski Kovacs, and General Brevlentiy Vorakh worked in concert over the central-eastern Skalovian region to beat out constant fires, with the two generals being constantly awake for several days at a time and the dragon being awake and aware for almost the entirety of the war. Zukaheyev would be constantly sending magical messages, ordering troops, and carrying out his duties. He had not had time to see his wife Snovi or treat her as any more than a soldier when she was in his presence serving her duty as a commissar. He had not seen their children in months and missed his children's steps into adulthood. The first great battles begin a year in, in the spring  of 13 ND. They come with the realization that the weapons used against flesh and blood enemies are unoptimal for an enemy that knows no fear. The army slowly realized they have to change their way of warring and that slowness cost them tens of thousands of lives in lost battles over the course of the war. The morale of the URA was seemingly indomitable and the older guard served as inspiring beacons of hope to the new green linemen. While the shambling hordes do not bleed the same way, the massed rank volleys of musket fire still dropped them to the ground and the powerful cannons sounded their crescendos and blasted zombie and abomination apart. General Vorakh, an up-and-comer commanding officer, had requisitioned resources to create ‘crisis squads’, squads of melee specialists and grenadiers whose job would be to fight into the hordes to decapitate the controlling necromancers at the top. The URA were supported by neutralizers of the magical institute and witches of the hagswoods adding magical support. Along with this, even past the Pentaphany’s interdiction upon the land that casted pariahship upon it and caused miracles to be unusable, singular contractors and mercenaries aided the efforts. Even urkain pirates play their historically well-known part by intercepting the seaward undead. Years would past. Zurikau was defended well, keeping them safe. Snovi and Alexei lived through the siege of Fort Holowitz and Alexei, for the second time in Skalovian history, grew to his true size in front of thousands to fight the giant dragon corpse his father’s spirit inhabited. They survived, but tens of thousands would die. Alexei was right, it seems. Uhlion would not have been able to press his advantage. Not with this invasion ready to stab a spread out army in the spine. At the dying years of the war pockets of undead and their masters were cleaned up. The Black Prince could put his nom de Guerre on the mantel. Or so he thought.

Snovi and the military commissariat did their best to fight on, knowing that their role in keeping up morale and discipline is vital: the massed enemies they face did not have the same fear, confusion, or lack of cohesion that an army composed of thinking, living kinds might. Thankfully they hadn't any issues with mass desertion or large scale morale breaking in the middle of a battle, but thousands of Skalovians had died when their courage and training faltered enough to give a skeleton archer, or later in the war undead gunners, a clean shot. The scale of the dead was horrific, even by the standards of the revolution, and having to burn or hack apart treasured friends instead of giving them proper burials so they don't get up and start killing was enough to wear on any but the coldest of souls. Commissar bitterly resented what the war has stolen from her, but didn't let that show to anyone, not even her husband. Victory seemed terribly uncertain until they destroyed the Death Lord Zhen the Indomitable on the field for what felt like the hundredth time - and he didn't come back. While a few of the thinking undead under his command would continue to fight, most of them fled, and with one of the spearheads against them gone, they had far more room to breathe and maneuver, and the tide slowly but surely shifted in their favor. With the major forces against them destroyed, the kobold felt like she could breathe, really breathe, for the first time in months. Things had been getting almost relaxed, though she does her best to make sure the troops she oversees maintain strong discipline to minimize casualties in their purges: a crushed throat is just as deadly whether it's from a bone giant or an upstart zombie.
The Klasstic War
16 ND-22 ND
Alexei gained a magical message at night while he rested with his wife, hopeful that with the end of the war they may enjoy some peace. His eyes went wide and his black scales paled to a grayish hue around his face. “No...” he said as he lifted to his feet. He could barely stand and he dropped to his knee. “NO!” He screamed. “You...” he got up and put his officer's coat on as quick as he could and sprinted to the top of the fortress walls. He began addressing the troops under his command, “If I can have everyone’s attention. Klastte has invaded Skalovia’s southern border. I repeat, Klastte has invaded Skalovia’s southern border. My son... has been...” he dropped the voice and balled his fists. His concentration broke and he fell from the walls to become his true form in the open for the third time in Skalovian history. He flew to the top of the tower of the fort, perched upon the highest tower, and gave a blood curdling terrifying dragon's roar of rage and grief. It was the bassiest thing any of the fort's inhabitants had ever heard and the bestials at the camp had to cover their ears in pain. He lifted, and flew swiftly in the direction of Fort Ukiatev. Once the surprise wre off, some remembered the last words he said. For their fallen comrades out in the cold taiga, and for the newly fallen including the general’s son, the canid and lupine bestials howled into the sky a morose symphony that was carried by the voices of the other few scattered bestials out in the night. A new chant began slowly as a bassy undercurrent to the howls. An enraged human began it and pumped his gun into the air. “Death to Klastte.” He said again, “Death to Klastte.” He started gaining others in his chant and they lifted their muskets and joined in with him. “Death to Klastte.” Then more and more as it ripped across the fort like wildfire to the embattered veterans, “Death to Klastte!” “Death to Klastte!” “DEATH TO KLASTTE” it soon roared into the night as thousands of voice joined a choir of grief and rage. “DEATH TO KLASTTE” After years of seeing their comrades fall to undead horrors they were faced with even more war. “DEATH TO KLASTTE” These were men that had stared stinking death in the eye, and it blinked. “DEATH TO KLASTTE”. Again and again until it devolved into a shared warcry. -The reaction of general Alexei Zukhayev-Goravich upon hearing of the invasion of Skalovia by the Klasttic Kingdom and his soldiers' reactions.
The fort’s regiments pack up and by the morning tens of thousands march to the southern border on their rage. The troubles began with an attack framed on Skalovia. Gorian Cult insurgents used Skalovian blasting crystals to set off a bomb in Klasste. It was set at the closest border city, Schalzichberg. This mainly accelerated king Schalzich's plans to invade Skalovia before they could strike. They used weapon designs stolen from the tech ministry's labs and even some workshops that the revolution had used to build up arms. Along with this, the king had built up factories using the same industrialized methods the Skalovians had. In 25 ND, literally days after the First Lich War had finished, a great Clastian army of 500,000 swarmed over the weakened border guard and attacked Fort Ukiatev. That first attack was repulsed by the return of Zukhayev the Black with his battle-hardened veterans. The living breathing Clastians were nothing compared to the undead horrors they had faced. Klasste would be conquered in 27 ND.

The world watched that war with bated breath and tight hilt grips. In the end, Skalovia was no longer a nobody state to be kept in the corner of the world. They were a military power to be watched and taken seriously. For those lords and princes secure in their power and stability, it also made their foundations tremble as factions from the lowly rabble to high courtiers saw the fall of Klasste as a sign to revolt immediately or begin their efforts. This would see the rise of many revolts put down over the years but also the rise of new governments supplanting the old or at the very least breakaway factions. Gromdal would be split between the merchant republic of longbeards and the new Equitianist Free State of Gromdal. The kingdom of Alaria's baronies would form their own small kingdoms or be replaced with new republics. However, the Republic would not be seen as heralds of a new age of equality and justice. Instead, the Ban of Port Brau would turn the attitude of the world towards the Skalovians from derision to fear.

The Ban
In 22 ND, one of the last strongholds of Klasste fell. It took months of hard fighting from the ordered line battles of the fields to the dirty street fighting of the city. The city hall was captured with a Republican flag flying over the streets filled with the dead and the dying. Blood was up and so was the want of revenge from the officers that had seen so many of their men die. They asked for authorization from the General Secretary to execute all captured officers and soldiers. Kaitovsky expanded this and shipped thousands of POWs into the city along with other 'influentials' that were said to be able to foment revolts and dissent. So the patrizina generals, officers, career soldiers, engineers, and others were marched side by side with clergymen, 'intellectuals', school teachers, policemen, courtiers, guild masters, journeymen, doctors, nurses, and the like. 50,000 "Enemies of the State" were executed by musket ball, and some only lived for two reasons. One, the supply of gunpowder for the muskets were low and there was a unanimous refusal to execute the POWs by bayonet after the line regiments became fatigued and grew out of their vengeful state a few executions in. Two, a retinue of pupils within the NCOs that were taught under the comatose Zukhayev Goravich mutinied against the officer corp and purged them in a night of bloody and brutal fighting. It is unknown to the world at large what happened. Just that the event was covered up to the highest possible extent and that it fomented anti-state sentiments for a long time within Skalovia.
Unfortunately, with those soldiers and POWs that escaped, the world knew. This began a time in Skalovian history known as the 1st Terror.

The 1st Terror
Ural Kaitovsky was the protege of Uhlion. He took in every word, every lesson, and everything his idol did. Including Uhlion's darker thoughts hidden from the masses and even his own comrades like General Zukhayev. Blood built the Republic and blood would keep it whole. He began a murderous purge of the officer corps in the spirit of Uhlion's original planned one that would be incomplete. He began a repression campaign in Klasste forbading all Klasstic culture artifacts and anything that would 'foment rebellion'. He quashed anti-state sentiment and banned all mention of Anarcho-Zelienism. Those found in possession of any items related to the above or spreading 'counter-revolutionary' sentiment were imprisoned, sent to the northwestern mining gulags, and/or shot. During this time he also attempted to finish off Zukhayev who was saved by Wakunansi Kae'Arh school monks whom had been reached out to by his diplomatic mission into Wakunan in 3 ND. They had been recruited to hunt the remaining members of the Cult of Gor. Kaitovsky became an egomaniac and distrusted everyone around him. He came close to turning on his closest comrades from the revolution they had fought together to avoid something like this. Something like the Scale Princes' rule. The people suffered and feared their government for the first time in 27 years.
The terrors lasted until he died of a heart attack. It was said to be natural, but there are rumors that the revived Zukhayev made it happen. He was succeeded by general secretary Janna Ukiatev whose leadership was widely lauded by the Skalovians known as the Green Peace. She with a large cohort of comrades would be the ones to stop the Klasstic oblast from rebelling with a large reparation and development program. She would also rename port Brau port Snovigrad after the beloved union mayor of the town whose fellow union comrades set the stage to turn Skalovia's first warm-water port into one of the largest and most cosmopolitan cities in the world into the 600s. No one was spotless, however, not even beloved Ukiatv.

The Klasttic Revival Movement
From the beginnings of the occupation, an insurgency was formed in the former kingdom. Made up of nationalists, anarcho-equitianists, returning New Klastte colonists, and pro-royal sympathizers the world over, it would prove to be a major thorn in the side of the Uhlion Republic and one of the largest reasons for its lack of expansion for over more than two centuries. The majority of the movemtn movement wanted the reinstitution of the Klasttic monarchy, with a cadet house of the Schalzich family on the throne. A small minority made up of the anarcho-equitianist wanted an anarcho-autonomous region made on Klastte separate from the URES. This group was begrudgingly allowed into the movement for extra manpower and support along with the support and resources they gained from anarchism-sympathetic patrons. Another small minority that was part of the organization in name only was a devil cult-based group. Everyone hated this group. The majority of the Revival Movement wanted pure independence of all of Klastte and the return of the Patrizina class and former system. The URES did not. The Movement would sabotage military shipments, naval vessels in the URES's new warm-water port, and factories built or taken over by the new Equitianist Councils. The members of the movement would commit arson on URES buildings and construction, assassinate officers and soldiers, smuggle weapons, arms, and prohibited materials banned by the Kaitovsky premiership into the Oblast. Multiple uprisings and revolts would take place either using their membership or by their influence including declarations of independence for certain cities and the use of stolen or bootleg-made Skalovian arms to attempt to defend their legitimacy. Every uprising and revolt was put down but the aftermath was treated differently depending on the premier at the time. Kaitovsky would order secret executions and mass deportations for the rebels while putting the rebel cities under martial law. Ukiatev would imprison the leaders and attempt to negotiate defusals of peace and hostage exchanges while allowing certain deportations in good faith to the former Klastte colony of New Klastte near Xatlaxa. The former colony was a large supporter of the movement, seeing the rebels as upholding the colonists' ancient heritage. Hundreds of thousands of Klastte Marque coins were sent in support along with weapons and materials. Other patrons including Mara, Alaria, Kesst, Thrake, Samdiria, and Liresku would send their own support in greater or lesser amounts. The work of Premier Ukiatev with the great amount of development, reparation, and reconciliatory talks along with the reinstitution of certain Klasttic cultural institutions (as long as they weren't explicitly anti-Equitianist) hurt the fire lit under the Movement and their greatest period of activity from 29 ND to 54 ND would not be seen again. Even later the work of Premier Sashsa Stralensky would further de-escalate the conflict. Attempts and rebellion sentiments were made but the taste of blood slowly drained over the years and with the passing generations that didn't even remember the Ban of Port Brau personally. By the end, it wasn't much more than a criminal smuggling outfit with a nationalistic bend. It did cost the URES hundreds of thousands of Taigues to contain and much of that cost was for the repair so later efforts after the 1st Terror to de-escalate the conflict were appreciated.

The Gromdalian War
33-38 ND
Kaitovsky's War
The Gromdalian War was one of the last conflicts that Premier Kaitovsky would instigate and one of the larger events of the 1st Epoch that increased Gold Scare paranoia against Equitianists. The fallout of this war would be the betrayal of any remaining vestiges of trust by other Equitianists after the Port Brau Massacre. It was done on the shaky grounds of the liberation of the Gromdalian Duerthi from under the boots of their guild masters. Now the old longbeards of Gromdal have had a poor view of Equitianism and especially of Uhlionism in the past. There have been a number of Gromdalian exiles run out by the guildsmen of their homes. However, the specific claims Kaitovsky made were complete fabrication and his true purpose was to increase the magitek capabilities of the state by claiming the valuable rune forges of the Duerthi that could not be as easily or masterfully done by anyone who was not the Duerthi and their long histories and old techniques. This would have allowed him to increase productivity in the factories of Skalova, increase his slowly building armada of war worthy aeroships, and give him other advantages.
Skalovian Loss
The Republic lost the war. First, The First Terror and the continuing troubles in Klastte required the constant presence of Gold Army units in the area along with the sacrifice of many resources to keep the area stable. This sapped manpower especially since the Klastte Revival Movement was at its zenith of activity during this era and the rebels had been able to seize divisions of the nation to themselves which required military intervention to put down and then occupy. Second, the Gold Army was no longer fighting in the locales they had excelled in like in the revolution, the lich war, and Klastte. They were fighting in the mountain holds against a similarly industrialized nation that knew the terrain and had lived their lives navigating the sometimes labyrinthine caverns and mountain passes. The Skalovians' dwelled in cities built near and into mountainsides but had not the inner mined cities of the Gromdalians. Third, morale had been sapped in the wake of the Klasttic war and the First Terror. This was the first war where mass conscription was necessary rather than just being an option to fill out support roles as the volunteer rate for this waslow. No one wanted to fight this war. They had the boot of the state behind them and the guns and axes of the Gromdalians on the other so they marched and battled but the fire in their belly of earning their freedom and then defending their homes from invaders was gone. This was pure politik, nothing more, nothing less.
Gromdalian and Skalovian blood was shed for nothing but the pursuit of power.
The Effect on Equitianism
The war led to the rise of Jarnsirian Equitianism as a counter to Uhlionist Equitianism. Jarnsirism, as its called, was made by Gromdalian Duerthi thinker Regar Jarnsir that fell into the Democratic Equitianist spectrum of ideologies like Zikaeziism. A follower of Zelienism that had met Sylvaras Zelien before he had died of plague, Jarnsir has done the long work to integrate Equitian policies into the Merchant Republic to great scorn by the longbeards of the guilds. He personally met Zikaezi Arh'Kae in Wakunan in -57 ND. His book, Ode to the Bhai, detailed his exploits in helping to overthrow the Dai Empire in -76 ND, his efforts helping the Bhai peoples rise against their tyrant, and the mistakes that led to the rise of the Liresku Dominion and the legalistic, oppressive, theocratic rule of the high priest of Chuayco. He fought in that war alongside the dragon Caepheras the Black Prince, who would later rename himself to Zukhayev in order to shed himself of his old position as a Scale Prince heir and take a leadership role in the Skalovian Revolution. He was an early supporter of Uhlionism and its authoritarian and militant acceleration of Zelienism as well until the 1st Terror and the Port Brau Massacre where he forever turned his back on his Uhlionist brethren when he saw what that lens of the ideology produces when there are no checks and balances and they no longer are fighting unambiguously foul tyrants and when they are attempting to conquer those they say they are saving. His conviction was further deepened with the advent of the Gromdalian war. Regur has a special hatred for Zukhayev Goravich as he sees the black dragon's intense compromise to Zukhayev's school of anarcho-equilibratism, which he doesn't agree with but respects the ideas behind, to continue the experiment of the URES to be a deep betrayal. Zukhayev was in a necromantically powered coma during the majority of the 1st Terror and near the entirety of the Klasttic war but Jarnsir's dying breath cursed him and Uhlionism for setting the movement back by centuries in his eyes. Many Equitianists across the globe stopped seeing the URES as a symbol that represented their ability to prevail and it instead became an example of how to destroy the liberation and equality of the masses they were working for by killing those same masses and acting as Imperialists no different from the kingdoms and empires of their time.
Only Wakunan kept their alliance with Skalovia and that was because the Skalovians were the only consistent ally they had and they shared a border with them when Klastte was annexed. The Wakunansi premiers, those that were elected in their 5 year terms until Kaitovsky perished, kept their mouths shut out of fear or acted in ways to not help the Skalovian Apparat. Funny enough, a number of Klasttics fled to Wakunan. Many had meant to go to Alaria or possibly dodge Republican guards as the Ravois border and many did, but some stopped in Wakunan for one reason or another and created a significant human minority in the Gnollish majority state. Wakunansi ports were no stranger to other Kinds. The Klasttics chafed under the Equitianism of Wakunan, but where the dragonkin of Skalovia brought musket butts to protesting heads the Union would bring council diplomats and attempt to help the humans in their transition. It is to the credit of Zikaezian Democratic Equitianism that the human minorities stayed and eventually assimilated and even intermarried into Wakunansi culture while also mixing their old traditions with the gnolls. The once standoffish colony of New Lerdorf made of Klasttic expatriates would become home to those with gnollish and human blood in their veins and find near equal seats of their local City Union Council being filled by both Kinds.

  • As a note Zukhayev when he awoke, would go on to push for democratic and anti-authoritarian reforms that would be spearheaded by the premier after Kaitovsky, Janna Ukiatev. The black dragon attempted to reconcile with the Duerthi that he had once called a comrade but Regur denounced him and threw him out of his home. They would never reconcile even when Regur saw the work he and Premier Ukiatev would do.
    • As a further note, there have been theories that Zukhayev caused the heart attack that premier Kaitovsky would suffer But actually it was the secretly exiled minister of Magicks Dasili Geriov and his cohort Janna Ukiatev who had been slowly poisoning Ural for years with the help of their Blyska Initiative agents.
The End of the Epoch of Flame?
Skalovia will invisible as a main player and out of the way of world events for 200 years after their final embarrassment of the dwarven war in 48 ND. At this point they've become even pariahs to other Equitianists like Regur Jarnsir over that whole movement decries them and Wakunan, their closest ally, was at the point of possibly breaking their alliance. Skalovia had to keep the manpower and money sunk into their newly occupied nation and do nothing else on the world stage or risk triggering the world into trying a coalition invasion into a nation that had now become more politically dangerous and influential than the Scale Princes.

Following the Gromdalian War was the mass suppression of any Equitianist, Equilibratist, and even Harmonist movements in the world with the latter actually being more successful in this time, having already been slowly taking over for a while but only making up like 10% of the nations of the world by 0 ND. The suppression made other equitianist groups really hate the equilibratists and disavowing them by reversing good work they had done because they were now very easy to target and scapegoat. As an example, Thralish Equilibratist attempts toward abolition of slavery were quashed by the landed slave-owning nobility pointing to the Uhlionic Regime as the end goal as any and all equitianism (and to an extent, harmonism) and how the abolitionists just wanted the sub-kinds of beistials to put a boot on the gods-fearing man's neck. This is one of the factors that will lead to the Great Slave Revolts late in the 1st century ND. Peaceful means were not enough to free the Bestial kinds and so violence was defaulted to.

Invisible except for small acts. Eventual melting of tensions with a little help there, some regiments given to fight the worms, some weapons and deals to fight the xhenon invasions, trade healing wounds over time, and slowly but surely healing Klasttic tensions over the course of 200 years.

The Verdant Peace
Janna Ukiatev would become possibly the most beloved premier of the URES, second only to Uhlion himself, and his image moving into the last century of the first Epoch of Flame would change with certain discoveries and confessions. She took power after the

The Grush Annexation
A history from 302 ND to 337 ND
  • Skalovian trade and land had long suffered under the Scourers, Gaugrushian orcs that plied the seas between the continents of Vesalia and Xatlaxa. They had a special position in Gaugrushian society where while they were generally of low status and respect but kept around. They had a more violent and brutal sect of the Twin Gods Vhaegoth and Dhaegoth turning gods of bravery, order, justice, craft, and organization into gods of murder, theft, barbarity, victory, and war. However, the treasures they stole often got passed along to normal Gaugrushian society and the Twelve Baronies, the union of Gaugrushian orcs spread over the Gaugrushian archipelago. So while publically in the eyes of their political neighbors they disowned them they did not do much to curtail them. The barons, at least. Their subjects were less accomodating and there have been multiple clashes between the Scourers and raised bands of orcs trying to remove them from their shores. For even the Scourers on indulgence raided their fellow orcs. Blood oath would slip from mother to son and father to daughter and skirmishes and battles would be fought between groups of orc tribes and the Scourers. They could not be wiped out permanently, and the barons often gave them help here and there to keep the riches slipping from hands in taverns and back alleys to bejeweled hands in keeps and ballrooms.
  • This led to the destruction of the rune-steam skipper convoy known as the Pale Waters Massacre. A Skalovian trade convoy of seven sizalbe ships that was often used to ship a much greater tonnage of goods than the aeroships could hold was on its way to the Huatec Kingdom in 302 ND. Scourers raided the ships in a large navy but an accident led to the rune-steam engines exploding. Those prisoners and a number of Scourers died and it became a public outrage as written in the Ministry of Information's daily paper, The Golden Scope. A few survivors of the destruction blamed Urkain official navymen for it. While they were indeed wrong, although Scourers can find themselves in the service of the Twelve Baronies' forces at sea if they give up their violent sectarian beliefs and submit to rule, the current minister at the time who was a Klasstic human named Wulfric Schul printed the story as blaming the Urkain union for raid. Once the word travelled to the Urkain archipelago, the baronies began to muster arms and armies to prepare for possible hostilities. The memory of Klasste, while dulled, still was present in the mind of the urkain aristroctrats. Skalovia took this as an admission of guilt. General Secretary Kalovovich included, who in her older Dragonborn age of 153 had a fire lit under her that had her make moves to save Skalovian face and gain restitution for the destruction of the convoy. She took the Baronies to task in a diplomatic conference held in neutral Lusmia. The Urkain barons argued they were not to blame. The Apparat shot back that they had been tolerating and facilitating the Scourer presence for hundreds of years now and that they profited from it. Nothing was agreed upon and the two sides left bitter. In her final years, Kalovovich found herself looking like the most infamous and hated premier of the Uhlion Republic Ural Kaitovsky. She tried to reverse the course to remove hositilities that she had set the momentum rolling on. Unfortunately, she died in her old age and was succeeded by the strong-willed and younger Skalovian human Zofia Zoconovich.
  • In 312 ND, Skalovia launched the first attack upon the Urkain Archipelago. Here, new weapons of the Republic were demonstrated. The clipper attack aeroships, the longrudder transport aeroships, the accurate breechloading Perotratka rifle, the six-shot Strevatz Revolver, the rapid fire Daszhnev Rotator Cannon and handheld four-cylinder Tetrasyn flamethrower, and the destructive Junger Crater artillery gun.
  • This was a hard-fought war that lasted over twenty-five years for multiple reasons.
  • The first reason was, while Skalovia had an edge over most of the world for thirty years after the revolution in terms of advancement, parity in technology was achieved. This was driven by the paranoia of multiple nations on the subject of the Uhlion Republic. They greatly funded their own research, imported Skalovian designs, stole them, or came upon their own discoveries. These discoveries came out of places such as the Glottzian Technocracy, a small state in the Anarcho-Materielist confederacy of Samdiria (named after the founder of the land who coincidentally was an ancient debate opponent of Alexai-Zukhayev Goravich when the general was an exile abroad. Samdr the Lazy made his own nation out of spite for the black dragon anarchist that belittled his belief system. A belif system that was partially informed by a fictional children's book series about a merchant who sales on a magic boat creating inventions to solve problems and taught about private property) ruled by Gori Glottz, a self-styled uglot merchant king and inventor who rivaled and surpassed the Yagresslov and Holowitz institutes in certain domains. Urkain had technology to give the Republic a fight although not quite to the advances they did. They made up for that in other ways.
  • The second reason was the 2nd Blue Host, so-called by Skalovians, an umbrella term for armies of mercenaries that were hired by multiple nations and soldiers on "vacation" that joined the war. Their customers feared further Skalovian expansion and a continuing war into their neighbors that were not ready for direct conflict based on the Gold Scare misreading of the Zelienist concept of the Worldwide Revolution. The Thrakian confederacy and the New Alarian Order of Knights outright joined the conflict in war against Skalovia. The former having bad blood with the Uhlion Republic that opposed its materielist ideals along with wanting to secure their place in a new hegemony, and the latter having an ancient grudge against Uhlion's blasphemy. The Order zealously wanted to fight the heathens with a passion not seen since the original genocidal Scarlet Host invasion of Skalovia. Thrake was one of the few nations that could match Skalovia beat for beat in terms of armaments and numbers and the latter had special blessings and artifacts that weakened the advantages the Republic had and who could only be hard countered by the hag corps' special use of magic along with the Institute agent mages.
  • The third reason was the Urkain's knowledge of their own homelands and the archipelago's nature. Partisans and professional soldiers alike ran many saboteur missions and guerilla strikes against the Republicans using older weaponry and scavenged Republican gear. This slowed down Skalovia and it wasn't helped they were often fighting multiple fronts along with dealing with their interior.
  • The fourth reason were the Twin Gods' avatars repeatedly summoned by the clerics of Vhaegoth and Dhaegoth. These were collossi a hundred feet tall that could take small-arms fire and were able to smash apart regiments. They were not sustainable, however, and while striking they paled in significance to other factors being weak to hag corps magics, Institute agent mages, and even the larger arms of the dreadnoughts and land artillery that could blow holes into the giant angyl avatars.
However, after a long bloody war, Gaugrush capitulated while Thrake and its allies were driven out. Unlike the Klasstian war, a second Ban would not occur. Comrade-General Urien Wyachiskov forbade any such attempts at a 'decisive quelling of rogue elements'. This put him in opposition to the Premier who had shed much blood and used many resources to finish this war and wanted to prevent a revolt that would undo her efforts.

Peace in the Grushian Oblast
Fortunately, the time after annexation was relatively calm. While having the structure of the Urkain tribe disbanded ruffled feathers amongst the Urkain, the local union system that replaced it was familiar enough that they essentially were able to live as they once did with certain Equitianist ideals enforced. The elders were no longer the de facto heads and voting council of the tribe. Along with this, any Scourer presence the Republican army hadn't already put down was hunted and scattered to the winds. Crime lowered in both the villages and the cities which were seeing an expansion of manufacturing as the new comrades of the Republic were given new jobs. Any that didn't want to work or dissented were denied benefits such as housing, medical care, education, and the like rather than violently forced. The vast majority of the Urkain joined the new system they had willingly after reluctance by most of them. Along with this, unlike Klastt who for decades had a nationalist separatist movement that never forgot the war, Gaugrushian forces had capitulated mainly by 112 ND around five years into the war and the Thrakian, Alarian, and mercenary occupation they were under for 8 years as the vestiges of the baronies were kept did not treat them well. Their "allies" were not better than their conquerors whom had a terrible reputation. While the looting and violence that comes with occupation forces in war occured, many a time reparations were paid to the tribes. Along with this, they were paid for their labor by the Skalovians to help build forts that would indirectly defend them against the less scrupulous mercenaries and especially the knightly fanatics that saw any help given to Skalovians as worthy of death. Near the end of the war around two years before the end, a few thousand Urkain even joined the Republican army as provisional forces and were armed similarly to the humans and dragonkin around them. By 112, similar to the Great Prelate War of -227 ON, the war as a whole completely changed from one between Gaugrush and Skalovia to one between Skalovia and their rivals. Of course many Urkain joined the 2nd Blue Host for revenge and nationalistic reasons but unlike the Ban of port Brau even those that became POWs were treated decently often put to work for taigues they could use at the camp stores the military made and were fed about as well as the soldiers.
Thrale's Lack of Foresight
The original expansion and yellow journalism that led to the war was forgotten in the years that followed its beginning. This was due to the focus of the war shifting from one of conquest to one of a relatively distant land and a militant order now warring out of rivalry or spite. The original false claims of Urkain destruction and murder trotted out were replaced by the reality of two powers and their allies warring with one seemingly in the right in its overcompensation for past failures. Both nations were completely selfish and greed but on the world stage the players had switched the roles of villain and hero to grayer optics. As such, allowing the archipelago would mark the Equitianist state of the Republic as a pariah and warmongering nation that a coalition would have to counter. With Thrale, the Order, and the involvement of the mercenaries the image of the Skalovians was softened. Of course, propaganda coming out of the Ministry of Information along with those Equitianists spreading sympathetic reads of the situation accelerated this change in optics. This is ironic since many Equitianists, including the Wakunansi government and especially those of the Anarcho-Equtianist groupings, either looked very poorly on the war or gave large outcries during it. In summary, Thrake could have stayed home and let the Republic take a bullet. Their involvement actually put their place on the world stage at a disadvantage.
The Aftermath of the AnnexationRather than fear, there was a sense of fatigue about trying to combat the Uhlion Republic into the second century. Indeed, for decades no more expansions would be made by the Republic, and a great amount of currency and materials had gone to stop their conquering. Thrake benefitted the most even having lost the war. The drained nations made easy targets for their economic campaigns and even some were annexed by the growing power. However, they also received a centuries long hated rivalry with the Uhlion Republic and sanctions against them by the Wakunansi Free State who held their land route of trade with the power given to them by their relationship with Skalovia as their oldest ally and their modern army. Thrake was an aeroship and sea-trading nation so it did not make a large dent in their prosperity. They would eye the gnollish majority nation with scorn at having an Equitianist state right on their border with Skalovia watching over them.
Important People
Early Republic Era (0-200)
General Uhlion "The Broken" (Gold Dragon) Zelien-Uhlionist Formerly "Uhlion son of Hruimdr" Leader of the revolution
General Alexei Zhukayev-Goravich "The Black Prince" (Black Dragon) Anarcho-Equitianist Formerly "Caepheras son of Vaulkr the Miserly". Temporary General Secretary known for releasing mass reforms. General in the revolution

Commissar Snovi Zhukayev-Goravich (White Kobold) Zelien-Uhlionist hero of the revolution, career soldier, and namesake of Snovigrad.

Dalfr "The Vengeful" (Blue Dragon) Unaligned Formerly "Dalfr bastard of Talaephera the Cruel." Free-agent during the revolution that chose the side of the revolutionaries.
Blyska "The Brave" (Silver Dragon) Zelien-Uhlionist well-loved comrade of the revolution assassinated by Triss of the Sylphs, an assassin hired by the Scale Princes.
Janna Ukiatev (Green Kobold) Zelien School Equitianist Minister of Development Emancipator of Djiinari tribes and Hagswoods witch tribes. Beloved premier whose time was known as the Green Peace
Ural Kaitovsky (Red Dragonborn) Uhlionist-Puritan Minister of War General Secretary after Uhlion, his close confident, creator of the Division of Information, and infamous leader of the 1st Terror era between 27 ND to 53 ND. He first took office in 3 ND with the Great Slumber Forward.
Piotr Danilovsky (Green Dragonborn) Zelien School Equitianist Developer of the Danilovsky .50 Musket and the Danilovsky .23 Flintlock Pistol. Defected to Klastte in 5 ND, assassinated by Skalovian spy.
Grenr Stoyakev (Skalovian Dwarf) Uhlionist-Puritan Minister of Infrastructure
Gagrin Yaggreslov (Blue Kobold) Zelien School Equitianist Mundane Researcher
Klaus Holowitz (Klasttic Human) Populist-Zelienist Magitek Researcher
Dasili Geriov (Silver Dragonborn) Uhlionist-Puritan Institute of Magicks Founder
Riza Sokolovsky (Green Kobold) Anarcho-Equitianist Captain of the Republican Army and later general that was an important head in the ring that mutinied against those that carried out the Ban.
Sasha Stralensky (Bronze Dragonborn) Zelien School Equitianist One ruling Premier during the Klasstic occupation. Made major waves in the integration of the Klastte oblast and greatly contributed to peace in the newer territory through a number of bills passed that would lead to the weakening and eventual dissolution of the Klasstic Revival Movement.
Mid-Republic Era (200-400)
Sofia Zoconovich (Silver Kobold) Zelien School Equitanist Fourth General Secretary of the nation. Oversaw the Gaugrush-Skalovian war and the annexation of the territories.
Urien Wyachiskov (Blue Dragonborn) Populist-Zelienist Head general of the Gaugrush War. Later council head of the Urkain Oblast.
Later-Republic Era (400-550)
Lans Jurenhausen (Klastic Human) Zelienist Hybridist First non-Skalovian General Secretary. Known for repealing certain reforms by predecessor but pushing a number of liberalizing reforms starting gradual change into giving Skalovia Democratic Equitianist features.

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